Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Fabulous Fickle February!

 February...short on days!
Long on fabulous, fickle, fun twists!!
Spring flowers

 Snow showers!!

Rosie and her snowlady!!

But no icicles like Wisconsin icicles!!

Back to spring flowers for sale!


Kahana and I enjoying our annual free Red Robin B-day burgers...
after each spending $4.99!

She knows how to win my heart!!


Winter is for food...
helping plan the year's "ladies out to lunch" schedule.
February/Valentine soup and salad meal in the club house


Homemade turkey potpie to help me recover...

From second and final cataract surgery!

Angie caretaking, feeding and playing 
Pokémon Labyrinth with me post surgery

What does one do while recuperating with two almost good eyes?  And it's chilly, rainy?
Why, one starts planning her epic 80th B-day trip 
to the Hobbit Homeland!!
So many choices!  So many decisions!!
(Epic 80th B-day isn't for another year)
Already choice LOTR 2026 tours are full...

Gotta mix in arrangements for a few "in country" flights coming soon. 
And organizing a new project for 2025...
Top secret at the moment!

I went for a short walk on Sunday,
turned a corner and was greeted with a full rainbow!!

Never saw ALL the colors before...
Good rainbow and/or good cataract surgery! 
Never learned the ROYGBIV


February 24!...
Gram G's 79th B-day!!
Micaela and Angie came to party with me!
Lunch at Thai Wok...

B-day Labyrinth and Uno!
I lost Labyrinth/won Uno!

B-day mini ice cream bars!

Atmospheric River/Pineapple Express/Winter Rain
Torrential Downpours!
Intermittent all day Sunday and Monday...
I'm learning the meaning and value of "Sun breaks"
Wednesday is forecast to bring warmer, sunny weather! 


I finished the Maui puzzle I bought there in March, 2023! 

More puzzle fun!
Debbie, Angie and I worked this one during a cold, windy Cannon Beach weekend in Sept, 2021!


Feb 26...Promise of  PNW Spring! 

These past 7 weeks have been "free form"! I took a break from regular routine (whatever that is) for the two cataract surgeries and recovery.  People told me there is nothing to it.  I have found it draining and longer recuperation than I thought.  My present and future are looking much brighter, though!
It's been relaxing to have no schedule or any "have to's" other than eye drops.  Seems I won't be able to get new far distance glasses for another three weeks.  
This has been a great time to kick back and  explore "clean out the messes" and new venture options for 2025!

This has been a good 4 GeoGram weeks in the life of Gram G.

"The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon; planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God.  They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green, proclaiming, 'The Lord is upright; he is my Rock and there is no wickedness in him'."  (Psalm 92:12-15)

Saturday, February 1, 2025


January sunshine!!  

Already the first month of 2025 has passed!  January sunshine is a rarity in the PNW but we have enjoyed several days this month in Vancouver, Washington.

HOWEVER...south of the Columbia River, sentiments are different...

All reactiocit

They will soon be happy again as rain returned yesterday! 


This start of the new year has had a different flavor for me.  With returning home from the east coast New Year's Eve I had only a few days to adjust to the 3 hour time difference and prepare for my            Grandma G Christmas on Sunday, Jan.5!

The Couve Gang!!

 Later that week Kahana, Saul and Nainoa came for an afternoon visit. I had already taken down the tree but a plant with lights worked nicely! Pomai was still in school.

That left me with two weeks to catch up on laundry, cook extra food, clean up the house...especially the floors... and program our family calendar to get ready to... 
Do The Deed!!

The past two years I have been haunted by the failed attempt to have cataract surgery on my right eye.  I had gone in, ready to have it done, when they sent me home (actually to the emergency room) because of high blood pressure. That shattered my healthy self-image and its been a struggle to regain it.  Now two years and two months later with two cancelations and worsening eyesight, I was again scheduled for the surgery.
This time all went well with the encouragement of my family and Debbie being with me!

Rockin my Hollywood sun glasses!

I am amazed how bright and clear the world looks now.  Out of my right eye.  Only one eye to go...on February 18.

After a couple days with Angie hanging out with me I was ready to loaf around by myself and leisurely finish the family calendar. It runs from February to February and contains over 300 family photos from 2024!  

 I've taken a few weeks to be low key, sleep in, lounge whenever and take walks while the sun shines, though the air is chilly.

It's a great time to work on the Maui puzzle I bought there two years ago!  I need to go again sometime!

When you get a craving...home baked baby back ribs!
A feast for one!!

The winter months have always been a challenge for me.  Living here in the Pacific Northwest I am somewhat more relaxed, but cold rain is still difficult.  This January has provided an assortment of scenarios and some sunshine so the weeks have passed quickly.  The warmth of friendship and family has kept the chill and gray away!  Yay! 

This has been a good three GeoGram weeks in the life of Gram G.

"Praise the Lord, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits..."  
(Psalm 103:1-2)

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Gram G's 12 Days of Christmas!

Gram G's 12 Days of Christmas!

On the first day of Christmas (Dec. 21 Winter solstice) Gram G flew out of PDX to Alexandria, VA  while her phone stayed at home!😨

Panic and trauma set in as I struggled to figure out what to do.  Contacted Burt in Virginia by WhatsApp; Chuck in southern Wisconsin called Debbie here in Vancouver; she checked my home; found it; packed it up and sent it out Saturday afternoon.  USPS said I'd get it Thursday at the earliest.  

WHAT?  No picture taking??? 

On the second day of Christmas Gram G helped decorate cookies at Burt and Jen's house!

And supervised making dumpling dinner for 15 people!!

On the third day of Christmas Gram G attended 
The Trans-Siberian Orchestra concert in Washington DC

Then viewed one side of the Pentagon and DC from a friend's penthouse balcony.

On the fourth day of Christmas Gram G  helped make appetizers (angeled eggs) and attended Christmas Eve service at 
the Washington National Cathedral

On the fifth day of Christmas (Dec. 25) Gram G wore matching pajamas all day, opened gifts and ate steak dinner

On the 6th day of Christmas Gram G got her wish...her phone arrived...

In the afternoon sat outside with family and a fire, then ate shrimp boil before the shrimp was added...

Later in the evening snapped a Burt and Jen Schmidt family photo

On the 7th day of Christmas Gram G went for a walk and watched the Schmidt brothers play Pickle ball most of the day as we sat around a fire then ate a bunch of leftovers and played board games.

On the 8th day of Christmas Gram G 
tried to keep up in a game of Seven Wonders!

Then rode into DC  
To tour the...

DC buildings made completely from botanical sources were on display

Even a tiny Abe Lincoln 

DC classy!!

Buffalo Hot Wings before last of the company flies home (except Cory and me)

On the 9th day of Christmas Gram G
enjoyed a stroll along the Potomac River

And King Street

Topped off with a musty mule...
Mint, ginger beer and lime

Quite Sour...

On the 10th day of Christmas Gram G had a leisurely morning her last full day in Alexandria, then walked around the National Zoo in DC.

On the 11th day of Christmas (New Year's Eve) Gram G packed her bags and was delivered to DCA airport

With a mini fright of a fire alarm going off in the lounge where she was just ready to enjoy a salad...we had to evacuate the building and wait in the entrance. There must be barriers between sections since people were still entering the main check-in area.  We waited about an half hour before people were allowed back in.  I chose to continue on to my departing gate.

Arriving in a rainy Portland 8:15 PM New Year's Eve!  
Watched the New York New Year's 
went to bed!

On the 12th day of Christmas (New Year's Day) Gram G watched some of the Rose Parade.

Then enjoyed prime rib dinner and presents at the Miller family home!!


I had a refreshing, activity filled, fun 10 days visiting Burt and Jen and family in Alexandria, Virginia.  I had anticipated the trip for over 18 months! And now it's happened and past.  It seems waiting for a major event takes so long and then, whoosh, it is done and gone so quickly.  I was happy to share a few days in the lives of my 5 grandsons and 2 granddaughters-in-law. I did get lots of pictures with others using their phone cameras to make Gram G happy! Thank you!

This has been a good 3 GeoGram weeks in the life of Gram G.

"May the Lord bless you from Zion; may you see the prosperity of Jerusalem all the days of your life.  May you live to see your children's children---peace be upon Israel."  (Psalm 128:5-6)