Actually I have been thinking about that for a long time and exploring various advertising methods. A few I tried in the past were not successful.
A couple weeks ago a friend of mine told me about a home schooling expo that was to happen soon. (Home schooling is a popular choice here in Vancouver area.) I contacted them two times but didn't hear from them.....until mid morning of the expo day. They would welcome me to present my resources.
After three years living here I know the roads enough that I know where to go. I have been to this particular church a few times. I am experienced enough with teaching piano that I am comfortable meeting people and answering their questions.
I am READY to do this even though I have never done this before or don't know anyone there...and they don't know me.
Set up time was from 6-7. The expo from 7-8:30.
Drive to the church was about 20 minutes.
Another 15 minutes for a stop at a store for staples and candy.
Need a few extra minutes in case of "traffic". And to find which door of the building to go in. A couple of polite teen boys helped carry in my supplies.
Grandma G all set for the expo..
(The sign was already made for me.)
Bring on the potential students!!
The room was quite warm but the time passed quickly as several people stopped to talk and make inquiries. A few had questions about getting started with music. One gentleman seemed impressed that I moved out here from Wisconsin. A mother of 8 children talked with me about giving voice lessons to 6 of a sing Christian songs. I gave out 15 info packets. A few kids walked away blowing on kazoos. A couple kids came back to chat. There appears to be a few actual potential students. It was a great evening and experience. No one there to help carry supplies back to my car, though. And it was already dark outside...summer is over.
This has been a good "first expo" day in the life of Grandma G.
"All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty."
(Proverbs 14:23)