Day 26....Tuesday

When the snow lay round about, deep and crisp and even."
Today is my dad's Birthday, John Steven, born on the feast of Steven. Being of Czech ancestry and his father from the old country, I presume that is why he was named, Steven. Good King Wenceslaus has nothing to do with my dad except that he looked out (his window, I suppose) on Dec. 26, the feast of Steven and that is also the day my dad was born. And it is simply a cool Christmas carol. I add that my dad was a generous, kind man just like Good King Wenceslaus. He could be called Good John Steven. I knew him as Pop. Happy B-day, Pop! I miss you.
Today is indeed Dec. 26, the day after Christmas. The day when the season starts winding down, though that will take another 7-10 days.
Here in Vancouver the sun is now shining through semi-gray clouds. There are still patches of icy snow. I was up by 7:45 in anticipation of a plumber coming to install my new dishwasher after installing needed plumbing parts. He has not come even now late morning. I did clean up the sink and get the blog caught up while waiting for him. To be continued....
The plumber didn't show up. I took a long winter's nap mid afternoon. Then started making family Christmas phone calls; talked with son Chuck in Milwaukee, WI. Also received exciting news that son Bill asked Amanda to marry him and she said, "Yes!". In 2018 both Cali sons are getting married. Gerry is marrying Debbie on March 31!
Angie and I went to buy some ribs for dinner and watched Star Trek Beyond. Off to bed at midnight.
Reflections of Christmas Past...
When the kids were in middle school and high school they often wanted money for Christmas. Since our town was small with few stores, we would pick a day the week after and make a 2 hour trip to Wausau to the mall for shopping. One year I had a terrible headache and the temp was -20. I still drove them to Wausau.
Day 27, Wednesday....
I got up at 8 AM in case the plumber showed up this morning. I am not happy because I woke up at 5:30 (went to bed at 12:30) and was ready to go back to sleep right about 8. I'm a crabby elf when with a headache because lack of sleep.
I have two days of entertaining here coming up. Today I need to clean a bit and do more shopping....with a lack of sleep headache.
Plumber didn't come this morning. I went shopping at Freddy's at about 1:30 and returned home in the dark at 4:30. Too many decisions on a sleepy mind.
Angie elf had cleaned off the counter and did more decorating while I was gone. Looks even more Christmasy for more 31 days of Christmas.
I called the plumber and he admitted he forgot about me the day after Christmas. I didn't tell him how he messed up my sleeping-in the past two days. He promised to be here tomorrow at 8:30 AM. Saturday sounds like a great day to sleep in.
Reflections of Christmas Past....
When I was in grade school at St. Anthony's in Park Falls we students would be a Christmas choir. One of the songs we learned was Jesu Bambino....Baby Jesus, I am guessing. The opening words were, "When blossoms flowered neath the snow, upon a winter's night...." The chorus was a flowing, "ah...ah...ah...ah...".
I have always loved the song and hear in my head a rendition of it combined with Oh Come All Ye Faithful. Perhaps some Christmas Future...
Day 28.....Thursday....
Mr. Plumber was here at 8:30, just as he said. He is presently working to install the new needed parts. Someone else needs to exchange the dishwashers and discard the old one. Hope that can be done by tomorrow since I will be hosting Gram G's Christmas gathering.
Guess I won't get the new one installed until Jan. 2. Looks like my guests will have to wash dishes tomorrow evening.
My friend, Kahana, and her husband, Saul, were Angie and my guests for dinner. They have recently moved back to Vancouver. Beef stew and corn bread; peach and mincemeat pie!!
A game of Labyrinth....I won! A photo shoot at our "photo booth"
Reflections of Christmas Past...
Because some Christmases don't turn out the way you anticipated.
One year after the kids were all grown and moved out I thought Lou and I would have a quiet, romantic evening at home. He had partied with his buddies most of the day and when he did come home he was soon asleep for the night. I was highly upset and needed something to break the tension. I did a series of selfies (even before they became the thing to do). And vowed never to spend Christmas Eve alone again....
Day 29, Friday.....
Prime rib roast to perfectly prepare....
8 guests for dinner....
Is there a present for me?????
A present for Gracie.....
Reflections of Christmas Past...
During the years when Debbie was around 5 years old Lou would trudge through the snow in the woods behind his mom's farm to cut a tree. It would sit in the basement a day or two to melt off the snow and he would secure it to a stand and bring it into the living room. Deb would stand there watching and soon be sobbing, "Th-th-that is the ugliest tree I have ever seen." She would whimper all the while Lou would cut off branches and fill them into other spots. We'd then decorate it. Deb would stand there for awhile and then happily exclaim, "That is the most beautiful tree I have ever seen!"
During the years when Debbie was around 5 years old Lou would trudge through the snow in the woods behind his mom's farm to cut a tree. It would sit in the basement a day or two to melt off the snow and he would secure it to a stand and bring it into the living room. Deb would stand there watching and soon be sobbing, "Th-th-that is the ugliest tree I have ever seen." She would whimper all the while Lou would cut off branches and fill them into other spots. We'd then decorate it. Deb would stand there for awhile and then happily exclaim, "That is the most beautiful tree I have ever seen!"
Day 30, Saturday....
Why Gram G loves living in the PNW....
I took a late morning 2 mile walk around the park while the temp was in the upper 40's and sun peaking through! Late December flowers, green grass, the promise of spring soon...moss covered rocks...holly berries...chirping birds....high pitched tree frog croaks
An afternoon with very special little folk company.....
Brycen and Braxton
Time for gifts....matching outfits, of course....
Gram G's savory, "Left Overs" prime rib beef/vegetable soup! How to use the meaty bones, pan drippings, remaining fried onions and vegetables! YUM!
Reflections of Christmas Past....
Christmas time is always cold in northern Wisconsin. It is also the time we have popcorn balls and whole nuts stashed in our kitchen. Our house was old and had a few openings to the outside other than windows and doors. One evening we were sitting in our living room when we heard loud scampering noises in the dark kitchen. We couldn't see anything in there. The next night we heard the same thing, now in a lower cupboard. We saw something rather large retreating from it. Lou thought it was a squirrel. He sat a "live trap" and the next night caught a "flying squirrel", which he gave a ride and let it go somewhere out of town. He caught 3 before the nighttime raids stopped.
Day 31, Sunday....
I have had a fun, busy 31 days of Christmas. I am satisfied to have them over. I am full of decorating, sociability, Christmas music, food, gift exchanges, light displays, loving memories and remembrance of Our Lord's birth. I am ready to get on with a new year.
After a good church service I spent a quiet afternoon, including a 55 minute phone visit with Burt in Wisconsin.
Wild Senior New Year Eve's Bingo Bash!! 6:30-10 PM
Wild Senior New Year Eve's Bingo Bash!! 6:30-10 PM
Last moon of 2017!!
Gram G finally got a Bingo....
traded for a 14 oz Hershey's kiss..
Saving for a special occasion..
Check back early April....
A New York New Year's....
And to all...
Reflections of Christmas Past....
When our kids were growing up, we had a family of 6 boy cousins (and another family of 2 boys) who lived in Park Falls also. On New Year's Eve we would celebrate by having all of them over to make homemade pizza. The moms would spread out the dough and then the kids would add whatever ingredients they wanted. We would have noise makers.The house was noisy with rowdy and energetic kids having fun late into the night. Don't remember if we stayed up to midnight.
This has been a good 6 days of Christmas in the life of Grandma G.
"And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them...'Do not be afraid, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. This will be sign to you: you will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger'."
(Luke 2: 8-12)