The week since I have been home has been blurred and buried under gray, smoggy air from the forest fires. I stayed inside for the first 3 days, then ventured out carefully the following days.
Back in Wisconsin Olivia's dad tried really hard to keep her from running off on her
Gram G/Olivia Great San Diego adventure......
Checking out Ocean Beach art...
An afternoon of Mission Bay sun fun with blow up kayaks.
Aunt Amanda and Olivia set out to sail the seas......and return..
Gram G gives it a try....
An evening stroll through OB farmers market,
drums, hula hoops and beach scene..... a good ending to a 90 degree day!!
Aunt Amanda/ cousins Berklee, Gemma, Olivia/ Gram G
Petting reef sharks and horseshoe crabs...Olivia is planning to study marine biology in college. This is exciting for her
Enjoying the funny sea lion show in 90 degree weather.
Gram G was hiding in the shade lunch under the trees!
Sea World Hot Girls Club...
90+ degrees...
TOO hot to stay.....
An evening return visit for night rides!!
7 hours of beach sun fun Friday afternoon into evening sunset....
Aunt Debbie, Uncle Gerry....
a few hours with cousin Angie!!
This has been a good 4 sun fun days in the life of Grandma G.
"Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let the sea resound and all that is in it."
(Psalm 96:11)