I attended a MercyMe concert in Portland with two lady friends from our "LiveLove" homeless outreach. We had a great evening of laser lights, music and fun! I always grab on to a ride into Portland.
Grandson Jake had his last LaCrosse high school game of the season. My first one to watch for the season. He is the one in the middle with the no nonsense pose....he will be a senior and is looking to be a goalie at a major college soon....
It's Cinco de Mayo pot luck dinner at the park, Amigo!
I want that taco hat.....
late springtime 2 mile walks in the park....my neighborhood, that is....

A little funny bunny romp....catch me if you can.....
A gentleman in the grocery parking lot came up to me and asked if I like roses. Yes! I said. He said they put them in a bouquet for his wife and she hates roses. Would I like to have them? Yes! They kept nicely for 2 weeks....
I have substituted at the Vancouver Music Academy on 3 occasions for several piano and guitar lessons. I am hoping for more employment from them!!
Time to clean up the hobbit gardens!
A little something green....oh, ya, tree frog, love to hear their little rain forest croaks....my monkey tail tree a few years old....wonder how big in 50 years....
first iced tea of the season...
Gram G spending Mother's Day alone at the homeless shelter...just kidding....I play piano here, but this day we watched the Portland Trailblazers play basketball. Then Mother's Day dinner at Debbie's home...
I sense an adventure happening soon....
2 awesome grandsons waiting for Gram G..
A scary "escape" challenge with our team from the homeless outreach.....we had to solve the clues within an hour in order to escape. I figured out 2 clues for finding keys. It was indeed a team effort....fun...and not so scary....
A volunteer appreciation dinner at my church....the grand piano I get to play for the homeless outreach....
I have been living in Vancouver for almost 7 years. I am finally felling like I belong. I have met several friends in various social arenas. I am thrilled when I meet up with one in an area store. I still do not like traffic but am more adapt at getting around. I continue to struggle with "identity" after 45 years of marriage and raising 7 children. Don't know who I am as an individual. "I" am slowly emerging. Good growth...
Oh, ya, a Miller/Schmidt ladies week in Boulder, CO, but that gets its own blog post....really soon.
Ya all come back to find out the fun times.....
This has been a good 25 "Itsy-Bits" days in the life of Grandma G.
"Whatever you do, work at it with your whole being, for the Lord and not for men, because you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as your reward. It is the Lord Christ that you are serving...." (Colossians 3:23)