Angie and talked more about plans for a couple day get away....
Thursday was Red Hat Ladies' outing. I really wasn't wanting to go, but my "thrive" plan includes almost daily socializing....with a large mouthful of thick sandwich....
A three dimensional painting.. What's behind the red door?
We went to
"The Poor Farm" in Portland.
Now remodeled into a resort complex of motel, restaurants, veggie garden, winery, glass blower and spa.
I was glad I went.
For a rainy, chilly Friday.....
Squash soup! Sauteed onions and garlic, basil, potatoes blended smooth.
Strong garlic flavor, tamed by sour cream and grated cheese!
Celebrating Gram G's first great grandchild's 3rd Birthday!
Four generations...Great Gram G, Grandma Deb, Dad Zach, little Rosie....
Arriving home late Saturday evening to remains of a brief but powerful hail storm.
The week was punctuated with giving piano lessons, plans for a surprise adventure, daily chores, making potato salad and banana bread and appreciation of shaping my life here in the lovely Pacific Northwest.
I received some happy surprise news this evening. But that is for a later date!
This has been a good 7 "many faces of fall" days in the life of Grandma G....
"Like cold water to a weary soul is good news from a distant land."
(Proverbs 25:25)