I got brave on Tuesday evening, the 15th, donned my N95 mask ventured out to the mailboxes to retrieve my mail since Wednesday the 9th. The air quality had briefly dropped to
"very unhealthy" from "hazardous". A silent, eerie gray coated what should have been a blue evening sky. Still there were no birds or small critters scurrying around.
"very unhealthy" from "hazardous". A silent, eerie gray coated what should have been a blue evening sky. Still there were no birds or small critters scurrying around.
Filter This!!
After a couple days of smoke I realized that the furnace filters probably need to be changed even though the time limit hadn't past. I mistakenly thought I had another set in reserve. I did not. (I had even briefly considered buying some a couple weeks back when I was at a store, but figured I had a set at home.)
After a few more days when the smoke lessened I checked at local stores for new filters. 

This is what happens when there are none to be had...a great assortment of orange storage bins! I went online to find some. Found some, but had to order sets of 4 and shipping would be a week. OK, that would have to do.
In the meantime I vacuumed the old filters in hopes of getting more use out of them. Fortunately the weather is mild and the air has cleared.
When the new ones hadn't arrived by Tuesday the 22nd I checked the web page. Seems they were closed for a week because of the hurricane that passed through Florida. Surprise. Upon inquiry they notified me the filters should arrive in about another week. They are high quality, potent
air cleaning ones. I am excited! I think...
This past weekend we had a 4th B-day party for my great granddaughter, Rosie! SO fun that she wanted to spend the weekend at Grandma Geo's house! To me there is nothing more special than when a child likes you!!
First grandchild, Zach, with first great grandchild, Rosie

Ready to bungee jump at the mall!
I've gotten out for a few walks as the air has returned to normal. It's the time of year when weather is morphing from summer to winter and often doesn't know how to act!
Yesterday I went for a shorter walk in between a light rain. It seemed a number of days I couldn't get out and its easy to get lazy.
Yesterday I went for a shorter walk in between a light rain. It seemed a number of days I couldn't get out and its easy to get lazy.
Today we are having our first full day of heavy rain.
But don't worry! Next week it's sunny and 80's!! Need to finish some outdoor work and get some fall decorations up!Bloom beautiful, even in difficult circumstances!

These past weeks I've worked on granddaughter, Gemma's, "surprise" digital photo album from our trip. The "surprise" part is kind of a joke since all the grandkids expect that one will be coming.

These past weeks I've worked on granddaughter, Gemma's, "surprise" digital photo album from our trip. The "surprise" part is kind of a joke since all the grandkids expect that one will be coming.
I have fun working on them and reliving all the great times! I'm a bit sad when the project is done, like good friends have ended their visit.
What better way to welcome the rainy weather than a fresh batch of homemade chicken noodle soup!
The latest emergency and endurance test has passed. I would not be honest to say all is upbeat. I struggle with finding a smooth rhythm to everyday life, along with a nagging headache the past few weeks...as well as trying to work with a new format for this blog...not going well.
But I am comforted, knowing that life will plod along and there are more blessings to appreciate than problems to be solved! And we have a Lord who helps us through it all.
I'm observing the videocast of "The Return" at the national mall in Washington DC. It is a great day of prayer, repentance and reflection for our personal life and for our country.
This has been a good 2 GeoGram weeks in the life of Grandma G.
"Therefore tell the people: This is what the Lord Almighty says, 'Return to me', declares the Lord Almighty, 'and I will return to you', says the Lord Almighty." (Zechariah 1:3)