Last one what??
Well....getting high...
In the sky...

Tuesday, Oct 5 I boarded
a flight from Portland, OR
to DCA for Alexandria, VA
Burt and Jen gifted me trip for my 75th B-day.
I anticipated this trip for several months!
Starting our weeklong adventure the next day with an Irish lunch of shepherd's pie, Guinness for Burt and a friendly chat with the owner sporting a thick Irish brogue.
And a drive around the Pentagon
How about a visit to the National Zoo to view exotic animals?
Actually part of the Smithsonian museums
Color coordinated
Panda Love..
Zoo Wildlife!!
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder...
A colony of mole rats
Komodo Dragon
In case you need more panda love!
Friday Burt and I drove to Annapolis to tour the Naval Academy
Andrew's air force/navy base water tower
Middleton Tavern established in 1750!
Bancroft Hall
Largest dormitory in America!
The bell from the Enterprise!
(naval sea ship...ancestor of Enterprise star ship!)
John Paul Jones' sarcophagus
Leap Frogs Navy Parachute team
Attending the midshipmen review parade!!
A stroll along Chesapeake Bay
I have a soon to be son-in-law who graduated from the Naval Academy. Beautiful grounds and noble tradition!
Saturday sightseeing drive...
Worth the read!!
Charming stone fences...
Sheep Hindsight...
Get thee to the Winery!!
Picnic lunch at Cana Vineyard
Sunday afternoon on the Occoquan
Occoquan Historical Center
They have quite large spiders there!
Charming architecture and brick streets
We were there to cheer Logan on
in his crew race on the Occoquan River!!
They row a mile down and back...or maybe its up and back...
They have to carry their "shell" to and from the river.
I enjoyed observing an unfamiliar cultural sport.
Several crews of differing ages participated. It looks like hard, energy demanding work to me!
Way to go, Logan!
I am privileged to fly from West coast to East coast! And back again! It is rewarding to have family both directions and in the Midwest! It is important to me to stay connected with all my family. They fill my heart and mind and soul. I am not lonely when I think about them and pray for their needs. And chat on the phone or text to keep current with their activities! I love you, my family!
This has been a good 3 GeoGram weeks in the life of Gram G.
"The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love. He will not always accuse, nor will he harbor his anger forever. He does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him: as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us."
(Psalm 103:8-12)