February in the Pacific Northwest has many expressions. It is a combination of winter and anticipation of spring. Cold rainy days give room for sunny, warm days encouraging daffodils to burst forth! And the green grass! In February! That is what drew me to this area many years ago!
February 1st is the start of the new Schmidt Family year! Featuring the new GeoLou Schmidt family Happenings calendar...full of fun pictures from the previous year.
Prim Roses...a touch of spring for Gram G's back deck!
While her old stomping grounds endured -2 F.
We enjoyed over a week of mild temps and sunny skies. I love the feathery, angel clouds that float along some days!
I took a drive one Saturday to visit a friend about 20 minutes from here. We had a great lunch and gorgeous view of Mt. St. Helen's.
Valentine dumpling dinner at Gram G's
Keys and Deb, Frank and Carole, and Gram G
February boasts of several family Birthdays...
son, Big Al, back home in Green Bay, WI
With Autumn and Eddy
Friend, Kahana, and Geo out for their
complimentary Red Robin B-day burgers!
A B-day outing to dinner in Portland
with Micaela and Angie!
Deb and Keys/Carole and Frank Debbie, my first born, on her B-day.
Always wanted a lemon tree.
Got a hybrid...plastic buds and lemons until real ones can grow.
And mermaid cork holder from the coast
Creme brulee with crispy raw sugar topping!
Gram G, daughter Debbie, granddaughter Micaela

Gram G with her name sake,
President George Washington at Mt. Vernon...
Family resemblance?
But Wait! There's more!
But Wait! You'll have to come back to find out!
February is a cold month for most of us. It is also a fun, warm, loving month for me with so many Birthdays, including mine! Plus two children and a granddaughter. Years ago, I would bake three cakes within nine days. One year Louie remarked, "I thought three cakes was a good idea, until it came time for dishes." He helped a bit with dishes in those days.
It is the month of Valentines for all those you love! And love is what keeps us warm. (And worried sometimes.) Writing out valentines with the kids during school years was always fun. Now it is satisfying to think about and pray for all my "favorite valentines" near and far!
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, so that whoever believes in him [Jesus] shall not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16)