I started this post on July 2. This year of 2024 is officially waning!
What does one, me precisely, do when there is now time to do those things that one didn't have time to do up till now? But actually doing them is rather boring and annoying?
I have before me 8-10 weeks to dig in my heels and get some things accomplished, yet by evening the day seems too long and my brain wants to happily go blank.
Oh, to be out adventuring on an airplane or having my kids and grandkids entertain me!

I went for a 2 mile walk this morning, July 2, before the sun and heat set in. (We are looking at several days with temperature near 100.)
I am still thrilled to view the many lovely plants here in the park.
Let me share a sensory experience of a walk through our neighborhood. As one ventures out onto the front porch she is greeted with a cool breeze that beckons her on. Overhead blue sky intertwined with light gray clouds covers the earth like a gentle dome. On ground level the eye is stunned by endless pastels of varied forms and shades of green. White leafed trees stand as sentinels. The ears are delighted with the songs of chick-a-dees, bluejays, mourning doves and finches interrupted by the occasional caw of a crow or two. The nose is treated to tantalizing wafts of roses, carnations, lilies, and tulip tree blossoms. And then!.. And then!.. And then...the invigorating aroma of, of, of...cannabis... floating freely through the air from a nearby small processing plant... to stimulate whatever pot stimulates! Ahhhh...the great Pacific Northwest in all its wonder!!

Kahana invited me to their home for a 4th of July cookout. The temperature rose into the 90's but their backyard has large shady trees.
3 year old Nainoah working diligently to string veggies onto skewers.
Saul, grill master!!
Pomai makes me happy...she always is excited to see Grama G! She wanted to sit by me for our meal.
Meanwhile on the East coast Burt and Jen's family welcomed
Al, Autumn and Eddy for a few days.
They all attended fireworks on the National Mall!!
Back on the West coast...
We mothers-in-law enjoyed a peanut sauce Thai lunch, and then checked out a thrift shop or two!
The Buck moon over Vancouver
The moon itself is orange in the sky!
It's been two weeks since July 4th. I've been moving along at a turtle trot! Been trying to fit in much needed doctor appointments (which I love to cancel), catching up on a little socializing, mentally organizing cleanout jobs, walking, researching a dream trip to New Zealand to celebrate a significant Birthday, and working on music projects that I hope materialize. Having time to do elective activities is difficult for me because they are easy to postpone while allowing the day to leisurely slip away.
This has been a good 4 GeoGram weeks in the life of Gram G.
"Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him in joyful songs. Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his." (Psalm 100:1-3)