I developed a headache overnight. Don't know if is allergy, sinus, virus or pinched nerve. Fortunately I was already scheduled for a chiropractic adjustment. I think that helped, along with an ice pack, a nap and not moving around very fast. Hope I am all better by tomorrow because it is preparation day for 3 days of Christmas celebrations.
I've been spending a lot of time at the piano. I am going to play and sing an original Christmas song for my church service on Sunday morning. It is a song a wrote a number of years ago, but haven't done much with. So, it is a matter of figuring out a set accompaniment, learning it, practicing with the singing part and exercising my voice so I don't sound like a grandma (hello). It feels good to be at the piano again.
I'm a little lonesome for my Wisconsin family. I am getting to know folks out here, but the city is still bigger than the 2, 900 citizen town of Park Falls. I am NOT missing the 2 degree temperature they are having right now. Friday I am flying "east" for a Christmas visit. Yeah! (As long as there in no snow on the roads.) Oh, last night my car was frosted over. Ick. It was gone by today; the afternoon temps were quite mild, but I wasn't up for a walk.
Yesterday I received a box of business cards. I am another step closer to getting back into giving piano lessons. Good.
Angie, Micaela and Jake (and Bentley dog) came over to finish decorating cookies. I
6 of 7 Indianapolis siblings
(2 more in Park Falls)
Susie is oldest of 13 children
so I wrote out a few Christmas cards to send."
This has been a good 2 pre-Christmas days in the life of Grandma G.
"Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."
(Matthew 24: 36-37)
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