I wasn't even paying attention since "I never win anything". It is fun to know a few ladies and begin having more personal conversations with them. I am fascinated that there are various ladies here who have "familiar" similarities in looks and mannerisms to ladies I know in Park Falls and my sisters. Its like finding a little piece of "home back east" right here.
This is a bit confusing week. I am trying to catch up on some debts, have a couple music lessons, apply for a new car title (a new title, NOT a new car), take some walks in the sunny outdoors, continue stretches and shoulder exerciese everyday, prepare to give a Bible study lesson at church, make some phone calls, decide what to decide on a "dental care plan" (to get a tooth pulled or not pulled), get pampered at the salon on Thursday and prepare for my upcoming trip. TRIP? Did I say, TRIP? YEP. A TRIP. Back to mid-Wisconsin. For 12 days. Rough life but someone has to do it.
Burt offered me a plane ticket if I would come care for their 4 boys while he and Jen enjoy a business reward trip to Porto Rico. I can handle that. So it is up in the air again. The weather there
SHOULD be alright. The "care" level actually quite low. Nice time to visit with family. NO SNOW, THOUGH.
Tuesday I made it to water aerobics--there were 13 of us ladies there. After, we had our soak time in the hot tub. That is evolving into "social circle" time. Nice.
Late morning I had a piano lesson and later a guitar lesson. Then it was walk time in almost 80 degree, warm, not humid outdoors. Beautiful flowers.
This has been 2 good spring flowers and ladies' out to lunch days in the life of Grandma G.
"Consider how the lilies grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these." (Luke 12:27)
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