On Thursday I had to take the car in for an alignment. It would take at least 2 hours. What to do for that time? The car shop is 2 blocks from the mall. That's what to do. The other grandma works at a store there so I thought having lunch at the food court with her would be a good bonding time for us.
After lunch a little shopping time for summer Capri's to complete my wardrobe filled out my mall time.
Arriving back home I realized I still wasn't feeling well so tried to nap awhile. That didn't work, but some TV on demand of the series "North America" passed the afternoon for me. And then the movie Gifted Hands, the true story of Ben Carson, a noted brain surgeon helped fill the time while I did an hour's worth of stretches.
Friday morning brought a date of taking out a special needs friend for breakfast--
Later in the morning we stopped at a garage sale near his house. He was helping out with the sale. I browsed my first VC garage sale and spent a whopping $5.00 on some very useful items.
It turned out to be a geographically well planned day since the foot doctor I was scheduled to see had his office 3 blocks from Donald's house.
Turns out, also, that the pain in my foot is from an irritated, swollen nerve. The doctor told me off various treatment options and then taped the foot and gave me inserts to put in my shoe to relieve pressure on the affected nerve. I am to return in 2 weeks to see if there is improvement of the nerve. Already the taping has given me relief. I am eager to get a well foot so I can go walking in this beautiful PNW weather.
I am eager, as well, for a trip back and forth to Wisconsin 2 times in July for 12 year old grandson/Grandma G trips. I am having a hard time remembering that there are plans and reservations to be made NOW. There are only 3 weeks until the fun begins. Yeah!
This has been a good two "eat out" days in the life of Grandma G.
"Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him." (Psalms 34:8)
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