My day has been one of "reverses". I had the day planned for 3 main projects--- practice for singing my song tomorrow at church, baking spritz cookies with my new electric spritz maker and driving myself to an open house 75th B-day party about 8 miles south of here. A number of interferences occurred throughout the day. My son, Gerry, from California called. (I missed the call at first since the ring tones blended right in with the Christmas music I was listening to.) We discussed a new business venture he is pursuing. At the same time some unexpected texts came in from friends in northern Wisconsin.
About midday the fellow who has been looking at the Nissan to buy called to come over with money and forms to sign. Yeah! Wisconsin car is SOLD. It took awhile to make sure we were doing business legally and have the proper documents.
Daughter, Angie, from Wisconsin sent a text that read "I received 2 blank texts last night??" My reply, "Gosh, I don't know....I must have blanked out." After a few texts back and forth I boldly texted, "Do you want to TALK on the phone?" There followed 4 unsuccessful attempts to connect with each other. was time to start the spritz cookies. I had washed up the design discs last night. Upon reviewing the directions I realized there are pieces missing from the gadget. No spritz cookies today. Next choice, make up the dough for Sandies AKA Mexican Wedding Cakes AKA Russian tea cakes. The dough needs to refrigerate several hours. (I need cookies or "sweets" for a treat time after church tomorrow.)
HOWEVER, the sun was shining and the temperature 51 degrees. One has to go walking on such a lovely day. And, that, one did.
By then it was time to get ready for the B-day party I was looking forward to. This was the opportunity to drive myself through city me and world I can do it. And a great time to bond more with people who are growing into friends. Right before leaving I double checked that I knew how to get there, or at least, how to follow directions. Oops...need a few adjustments to directions. I have not driven this area by myself before. Oops....I am not experienced with "round abouts" . I think I am going the opposite direction. I KNOW I am going the opposite direction. Once back in the right direction all was smooth.....until I find myself on the ramp up to the Interstate 205 North. Nothing to do but keep going....all the way north until I am almost home again. At this point it is dark, I know where I am....I am headed home. No 75th B-day party for me today. Once back home I did something I haven't done since moving out here....I cried. The time seemed more like 9 PM than 5. (Still no cookies baked for tomorrow and no dough sitting in the refrigerator.) So I ate a half of bag of BBQ potato chips and a bag of frozen noodles. Well, I didn't eat them frozen, they spent adequate in the microwave.
I think the real issue is being on my own---to have to go places and figure things out alone. But it was my choice to move here and its time to be a big girl and "buck up". SOB.
Daughter, Angie's, call came at just the right time this evening.. Not for her, because she had to listen to me sob. We had a good chat for an hour. I have recovered. Sorta.
I'm sure one of the many grocery stores here will have cookies to buy when on the way to church in the morning.
After all today is 12/21 or 21/12 or 11/22 or 22/11 or 12/12 or 21/21 or 21/12....
This has been a good mixed 12/21 day in the life of Grandma G.
"The sun will no more be your light by day, nor will the brightness of the moon shine on you, for the Lord will be your everlasting light, and your God will be your glory." (Isaiah 60:19)
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