Tuesday August 12, 5AM
St. Joseph's Hospital
Marshfield, WI
Lou being checked in for open heart
12 hours of waiting in surgical waiting room.......
8 hours of surgery for Lou.....
On to post op waiting room....
We all left at 9:20PM
10 PM Lou back to surgery for another 4 hours to stop bleeding and clean out chest cavity....
Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Post Op Waiting Room and ICU.....
Working a 1000 piece puzzle...
Al, Deb, Gerry, Jen,
Lou's brother, Joe
Chuck winning Cribbage .....
Papa Lou giving the
thumbs ups...Al,Tyler, Jen,Logan
WI food!
Mashed potatoes, beef stew and GRAVY....(for me, not Lou)
Chuck, Lou, Louisa, Mimi Signing Papa Lou's heart....
Ice cream in the hospital cafeteria....Louisa, Mimi, Olivia, and Bunny....
Sunday morning.....Lou is being transferred from ICU to a regular room for at least another 5 days. He had a rough time, which we all anticipated, but has fought his way through. He is sitting up, joking with the nurses. His major difficulty is eating and swallowing since his throat area is weak, probably even before the surgery.
We appreciate everyone's prayers, concern and love. Hopefully the most critical phase is past.
This has been a good 4 "Lou's post surgery days" in the life of Grandma G.
"The Lord will sustain him on his sickbed and restore him from his bed of illness." (Psalms 41:3)
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