......to accumulate "stuff" and stuff it in various locations. I have also been here long enough to have time to start cleaning out those accumulations.....
Self-motivation and carry-through is the biggest challenge I have with living alone. SO easy just to sit and think about what needs to be done. SO hard for me to get going and DO what needs to be done.
There is a saying I heard a long time ago and I reckon it is true.
"Wherever I go....there I am." (Must mean that I'd be the same way wherever I would be living.)
Actually I am a bit jealous right now. My sister, Kate, and 3 nieces from Indianapolis are adventuring in the Utah National Parks. I was invited to go along, but could not make that happen. I'd so much rather be out exploring than be here at home trying to put order into my life. Sigh. So... I am not there because I didn't go.....
When plastic is too much....
doing my civic duty
recycling the recyclables....
I got back to water aerobics after an absence of 8 weeks. I was tempted not to go because of feeling insecure with being gone for so long. But go I did and it felt really good. Some ladies asked about Louie and how everything was going. A few didn't even realize I was absent for so long. I felt like I was "back home". The weather was cool and rainy, just like it is suppose to be this time of year. The actual exercises felt good, though I was a little achy. The hot tub and social time was warm and refreshing. Ah....back home.
I can use it on my right-handed,
"I'm confused" days.....
Or my left-handed
"I'm a blue dudette who don't take no guff" days....
This has been a good 3 "here long enough" days in the life of Grandma G.
"Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." (Proverbs 16:24)