On 09.21.2014 CD Baby sent you an ACH direct deposit for $29.40. It was CD Baby payment... it should appear in your account within the week
Like the little tuft of grass
In my pebble yard,
This could be the start of
Something Big....
This will pay for the $25 for new mailbox key I had to have installed. My granddaughter was getting my mail while I was gone. She kept the key in her wallet which was left on a sidewalk in Portland and it (the wallet, not the sidewalk) was not there when she returned to look for it.......
What I find interesting in the list of money sent is a series of 26 .01, 9 .02, a few .03 and .04 cents. Being new at these high finances I will call and seek the explanation of this....
(Found out later that this is for "streaming" into internet radio. Now all I need is for folks to buy the music....)
I spent a LONG time trying to reinstate my piano teaching studio website since I unknowingly let it lapse from lack of payment in July....Darn....shows that one should pay more attention to emails that come in seeming to try to warn one about something. Sigh...
I had to buy a new small business site and establish a new domain. Problem is it won't be available for 1-3 days. So...don't know how that will all work out. I need a teaching studio website for potential students to check out. All part of business....Yes?
Other than fun excitement and frustrating business this day rambled along. The headache is still slightly there, but no Tylenol today. I can sense the bad molar threatening to get worse if I don't get it out soon....Next week?
I got a new mailbox key---two actually. I was excited because the postal service left a key for a larger box, which means I have a surprise package. I like good surprises. Turns out that it is addressed to a person with the last name of Schmit. There are two addresses. I was going to be a friendly neighbor and deliver it since the address was only a few houses from me. (And because I didn't know what else to do with it.) This person's house was somewhat open, only the screen door was shut. I heard a radio playing, but no one came to the door. Should I just leave it on the porch? I took it home and then noticed that the address was actually a different street number. So...it is sitting in my house and I still don't know what to do with it. It think it will go to our park office and THEY can figure out what to do with the surprise package that wasn't for me. Surprise....there is no surprise.
Rain set in last evening as if on cue for the official start of fall. Another reason to just let the day ramble on. The weekend is suppose to be nice and the three month forecast is for above normal warm dry weather for this area. Yeah!
Copper Falls state park,
This has been a good exciting/frustrating business day in the life of Grandma G.
"All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty."
(Proverbs 14:23)
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