time for a few outdoor projects.
Taking down Grandma G's sign in order to repaint "Grandma G"
which faded in the rain.....got my handy little battery powdered drill....picture by "Big Lou".
FYI....holding the shears "upsidedown" cause it is made for righthanded folks and NOT lefties like me......
Rose leaves budding in early February.....oh, yah!!
Enjoying a full moon on a clear night......

(picture compliments of a friend from Park Falls....taken in a town near PF)
Reminiscing past years with the kids....looking through family albums....
DO I........
Get a hair cut?
Join a rock band?
Grow sweet potatoes?
WHAT? is the cause and end result of these eye contortions?
I have heard of onions that bring tears to one's eyes, but I never came across one that was absolutely torturing and tear brimming...
Yummy homemade chicken, dumpling soup!!
Treasures from a thrift store.....small Oregon coast and San Diego mugs.....suitable for righties and lefties....
(Small mugs....not small Oregon coast)
Deb's first use of a clippers for a home hair cut....
Enjoying a Saturday afternoon showing of
The Box Trolls....
I thought it was quite entertaining, though a bit bizarre.....

Sunday afternoon Lacrosse games.....
Papa Lou NOT out enjoying a PNW Monday winter storm.....
Good day for Gram G to "enjoy" laundry, dishes, exercise, etc....
AND anticipate late spring and summer trips "back east" to the mid west and granddaughter, Autumn, trip to PNW....
(mid 60's by mid week....Woo!)
This has been a good 4 "plethora of activities" days in the life of Grandma G.
"Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his faithfulness endures forever."
(Psalm 119:1)
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