What you gonna do when she can't keep up?"
Be patient? Read older posts? Keep checking back?
Wonder what she's up to? Love her anyway?
I hope ALL of the above.....
No posting since May 8? Must mean that Grandma G has been busy and runs short of energy by evening (or none in the morning).
Good to be busy and involved....
Up at 5AM on Friday, May 15 to catch a flight leaving Portland/Vancouver/
Columbia River
Fluffy clouds, 3 distant mountain peaks,
Mt. Hood dividing the clouds and clear sky....
I'm sitting at a window seat with the exit, emergency door right behind me. Seems there isn't as much insulation around that door, SO cold air circulates...I did not know this about airplanes...
Memo....do NOT choose a window seat immediately in front of the emergency row. Now, the friendly lady sitting in the middle seat exclaimed that she ENJOYED being a bit cool (cold?). We exchanged seats and we both lived happily for the next 3 hours.
(She was on her way to work at the Willingston, North Dakota oil field...office work at the "man camp". She did admit she left to return to Oregon in September before the winter cold set in.)
(I remember driving through there almost 3 years ago during our 3 sister cross country road trip from northern Wisconsin to Vancouver, Washington.)
While waiting for my connecting flight in Minneapolis I overheard the desk clerk for the flight into Green Bay, WI. She announced that the flight was oversold and they were offering $800 flying vouchers for volunteers....they needed 26. What? Seems they were not getting 26 eager volunteers....don't know how they resolved that. On my part, I was jealous it was not our flight......
Jen and Burt (tan jacket and blue shirt) are off to Maui in the morning.....
WE are on our way to Park Falls for the weekend....late Saturday morning...
100 miles north
Tyler, Logan and Gram G
(looks a little bullish to me)
Northern Wisconsin Interstate.....about 400 square miles worth....
"UP NORTH"......
Don't fall into the
Flambeau River, boys....
Logan actually did, but from the shore.....
Spring green and visitors at the cabin....
A Sunday morning break from healthy eating....
Uncle Al brought donuts....
Uncle Al checks out and remedies an annoying septic tank alarm going off for 90 minutes....
Visiting Papa Lou in Park Falls...
joined by 3 Milwaukee girl cousins....
(300 miles south)
Visiting 102 year old great Grandma Rose...
with Milwaukee Chuck and Anna....
(my son, Chuck, completed a triathlon of
running, biking and kayaking on Sat.)
After some lunch together Chuck and family left for home. The boys and I visited my sister-in-law/friend, Betty J. Then my brother, Nick and his wife. And were on our way back to Wausau by 4PM . We even missed the scattered storms that passed through north and central Wisconsin.....
Now for a week of school with plans to return "UP NORTH" for Memorial Day weekend....
(I am here in Wausau for 10 days caring for 4 grandsons while mom and dad are in Hawaii. The 2 older high schoolers fend for themselves.)
I am missing my little backyard and warm PNW weather. It was 30 degrees here this morning. Fun to be with family, though.
Sunrise over Haleakala Volcano, Maui,
(Photo by Jen Schmidt May 19, 2015)
This has been a good "she can't keep up with blogging" day in the life of Gram G.
"From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets the name of the Lord is to be praised." (Psalm 113:3)
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