After what seems to have been a year of almost non-stop "out of the ordinary" it is hard to define what "ordinary" is. It is also hard to not go "non-stop". It is difficult to settle back into a quiet "normal" routine. Maybe mostly because even after being here almost 3 years I don't have an established normal routine. But it is time to once again try to determine what that is and establish it. What am I saying? Well, I am a bit disorganized, unfocused, bored, glad to not have commitments to keep yet wanting "somewhere to go".
Wednesday found me returning to the dentist with a continued ache from the permanent bridge which was put in last March. Unfortunately it had been a problem all during my trip "back East" (Wisconsin and Indiana) and remains a problem even now.
Thursday was a rare occasion for lunch out with my daughter, Debbie. Don't know the last time we simply sat, ate and chatted....
Upon returning home I realized after all that time I still hadn't done any grocery shopping....
With being back in Vancouver I figured it is time to reconnect with lady friends here in the park. I have been out of touch since late April. Friday was an outing day for our Red Hat Mamas group. A fitting time to get back into the loop.
"Camas Days"
Photobombed by aliens....
(seriously, this was not staged)
"Just ducky"....
A walk through shady streets lined with crafters' booths
only way for a dog to travel....
Tried some
Fried Green Tomatoes for lunch
Not bad...something new
roasted beets, dried cranberry, feta cheese, candied pecans with mixed greens....yum...
Then to leisurely enjoy the rain.
Typical yard
Shepard's Pie ....Yum!
Now it is time to get back to such things as water aerobics, walking, stretching, practicing piano, cleaning the house, figuring out how to advertise for piano lessons, deleting 5,000+ old emails, cleaning the garage and maybe even unpacking a few boxes that have been waiting for the past 3 years.
A 50 minute walk before the mid-90 temperatures return for the next 7-10 days.
A sit in the shade before the afternoon heat sets in.
A Birthday phone call (message and song) to 40 year old Chuck in Milwaukee, WI.
Prepping and baking a fresh peach and blueberry cobbler.....
Yummy....though a bit less yummy than I anticipated....
This has been a good 7 "I'm home" days in the life of Grandma G.
"The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down." (Proverbs 14:1)
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