Time for Whale Research Eco-Excursion....Depoe Bay, OR. Been anticipating this for several weeks...actually since last year August when we were here on a senior trip just sightseeing.
Tuesday morning, Sept. 8 at 7 AM we left the comfort of our Vancouver homes to set out for this seafaring adventure....( left home at 6 AM to be on the road by 7.) We were scheduled by the tour company to be there by 9:45. THEY didn't factor in traffic, road construction and breakfast. Seems we were 30-45 minutes late. We did get to see an informative video on spotting whales and how Carrie confirmed the resident whales live on a particular tiny shrimp in the bay. She FINALLY was able to gather her much desired bag of pink whale poop to prove it.
Me thinks there will be a whale of tail tale to tell by me.
YIKES....If one walks down....one will have to walk up.....
It's our Zodiac!!
The whaling team....
Heading out to sea....
Depoe Bay, Pacific Ocean....
The Fleet.....
Soaking up the sun.....
Seafaring selfie....
First sighting....
Water spout
One or Two whales?
Love the dog!!
He would bark shortly before a whale surfaced!!
Whale number 2 (or 3)
"Thaar she blows......"
My Favorite Photo of the day....
Most adventure of the day?
Our sturdy young male boat driver felt his Cheerios on the way back.....speeding too fast for us senior ladies leaping out of our chairs as the Zodiac bounced over high choppy waves. Finally he slowed and we more comfortably rolled over the waves back into the harbor.
Time for lunch at George's in Newport
With a name like that the food has to be good....
Prime rib chili with black beans, chorizo (sausage), dark chocolate, melted cheese and sour creamYUM!!
A brief visit to Yaquina Head lighthouse....
Site of an ancient lava flow....
20 minutes later
There's a whale way down there.. little black spot between the large rocks
Lovely sunset as we drive home through Portland about 8 PM.
One more excitement for the day.....
this critter somehow was taking a walk across the back of my neck shortly after I got home....I don't take calmly or kindly to any spider.....
This has been a good whale of a day in the life of Grandma G.
"Then they took Jonah and threw him overboard, and the raging sea grew calm....But the Lord provided a great fish to swallow Jonah, and Jonah was inside the fish three days and three nights." (Jonah 1:15 & 17)
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