even happens to Gram G sometimes. Good excuse for no blogging. YEP! Started mildly last Sunday into Monday. Tuesday morning I felt better. Good! It's over. late morning I suddenly hurt all over, especially my lower back and felt like I was moving slow motion. (Some in the family would argue that is normal for me.) My entire digestive track was crampy and messed up. Strange headache. Low grade fever. Haven't run a fever for over 10-15 years. Almost considered going to the doctor, if I had a "primary care" doctor. But I don't like going to doctors. Endured the day and night with lots of fluids and Tylenol. Early Wed. AM after a few hours sleep I woke up sweaty and not tense. SO GLAD! Though not completely well I figured I could keep a commitment I had made to a friend awhile back.
Hawaiian Concert in Portland!!
Looking for a place to eat.
veggies and rice noodles in lemongrass/
cilantro broth. Worked well for my ailing stomach.
Alberta Rose Theater......Red chandelier.
I haven't seen side balconies
Kahana was born in Maui. She enjoyed songs she is familiar with. I didn't know there are cowboys and ranches in Maui. Kahana says, yes.
Sat. Feb. 20.....Deb B-day....Dumpling day...
A surprise dumplings and sour gravy dinner get together.....
dried bread/broken into small pieces/mixed with grated potatoes
shaped into balls.....boiled in water
The Makings of "Sour Gravy"....
mixed with flour
mix and heat till brown add beef broth stir
add allspice and vinegar smooth, thick and spicy

Happy, Happy B-day, Debbie!!
"Super Debbie", our first born....
Cell phone B-day wishes from Dad in Wisconsin.....

The Franciscan Sisters' annual Valentine's weekend
This has been a good 7 sick days in the life of Grandma G.
"May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine upon us, that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations." (Psalms 67:1 & 2)
add allspice and vinegar smooth, thick and spicy
A Feast for All!!
The Millers LOVE sour gravy!!
"Super Debbie", our first born....
Cell phone B-day wishes from Dad in Wisconsin.....
A Bit of recent Flashbacks.....
Ladies out to lunch
B-day meal to
Rib City...
"Get Thee to the Nunnery"....
salad luncheon fund raiser to provide for needed repairs on their convent.
local PNW greenery..
Gram G the "hobbit" poking around the wooden support beam.....
that's where they sat me....lots of prizes given out but not for hobbits.

Happy B-day to son, Al!!

Happy B-day to son, Al!!

Happy 17th B-day, Devin!!
Happy 17th B-day, Micaela!!
wonderful grandkids!!
Happy Valentine's Day!!
Feeling a bit pale? Spring is close. A little sun, water and fresh air and you will soon be what you are meant to be....
early spring
Up to date!! Gram G feeling better!
On to my next 70th B-day celebration!!
Check back in a few days.....
Check back in a few days.....
This has been a good 7 sick days in the life of Grandma G.
"May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine upon us, that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations." (Psalms 67:1 & 2)
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