The air was chilly, but shortly the sun peeked out, making Gram G change into a lighter jacket. What is not right about the pink glove picture??
When she finally admits her one true love is never returning from the sea.....
After 90 minutes trimming it was time for a lunch break. The many leaves in the Hobbit yard were pleading to be picked up, but just as Gram G regained some energy the rain had already returned.
How do you like them raspberries???
With the rain having set back in I needed something to do that didn't involve sitting on my duff. Time to make "organic" raspberry jam...
In the summer as my red raspberries ripened (frambuesas rojas to Latinos) I froze them in small amounts (the ones I didn't eat).
What's home cooking if you don't have a little mess?
Came up with this amount from 6 cups of berries and 4 &1/2 cups sugar,1/4 cup of lemon juice, and 1 box of certo.....and about 2 hours of work.
Little ones will be gifts...
Next time I don't think I will use the lemon.
Keeps in frig for a month or in freezer for one year....
Wed. breakfast of veggie omelet and
organic raspberry jam on whole grain toast.....yum....very trendy....
Time for duff sitting....catching up on the Roloffs, Life Below Zero and
Continent 7: Antarctica. Wonder if I have a suppressed "cold and snow" complex....nah....
Come evening I decided that a Lord of the Rings marathon would make the holiday complete.
So while the movie was playing in the background I cleaned out 3 pumpkins and got seeds ready for roasting. Put them in the oven to roast and wait for yummy.
Unfortunately they didn't taste as good as they looked. They were close to "burnt" with a few almost rotten ones mixed in. Goes to show that not all Gram G's projects turn out blue ribbon perfect....Been easier and quicker just to dispose of the 3 uncut pumpkins.
About 11:30 after 2 LOTR movies I reasoned that the 3rd movie would be great to watch Thanksgiving night after all the festivities were over. Time for bed.....
Happy Thanksgiving Day....
Deb's turkey in the roaster and turkey in her house.....
Angie, JJ and Gracie
Gram G's favorite stuffed turkey.....
Back home about 9:30 it was time to finish out the LOTR trilogy. Thanks to the turkey dinner, I did the grandma thing and fell asleep by 10:30; woke up 12:45 as the movie was ending. Went to bed AND stayed awake until 3:45 AM. Bummer....
AH.......BLACK FRIDAY.....
After the good fortune of sleeping till mid morning I was ready to shift focus..
NOPE...NOT Black Friday shopping...was glad to stay away from that....lack of finances also makes good motivation to remain peacefully at home.
It was time to start cleaning the house in preparation for family visiting the following weekend. Time for the Hobbit clothing to be stored until the next Hobbit gathering hosted at Gram G's home.
Once again my misguided Christmas cactus bloomed beautifully for Thanksgiving....
This faithful plant has been with me since it was a sprout 5 years ago.
What happens when you've sat on your hay bail too long.....
This has been a good 7 Thanksgiving Week days in the life of Grandma G.
"Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever!" Psalms 107:1
"Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever!" Psalms 107:1