I was excited today because a friend had told me where to find an Aglow meeting. It is a ladies' group. I have lived here 4 years and had not been able to connect with one. Where it met was not far from me and I was familiar with the roads. Even though it would be dark I was confident I could find the building. NOT....
I was alright until I turned down an unfamiliar street. I saw the sign for the place but couldn't see a driveway. Went past it and on a few blocks before turning around. Went right past it again on the way back and went several blocks before turning around. Came back, turned down a road that must have the driveway. No way. Drove a couple blocks, turned into a narrow driveway to check maps on my phone. No cell connection. Went back to main road, praying for a "light" to show the driveway. Got back to the main road and sign. Saw a school bus coming out of a small black driveway. (good light) That's it....zipped around 2 turns and there it was....there I was....Had a great rest of the evening meeting and interacting with new friends. The drive home went much quicker.
Tuesday, Nov, 8
I went for a walk this afternoon of election day.
An afternoon moon and wispy clouds....
Nov. 9, Post Election Day....
How Gram G's day evolved....
I was up "early"...by 8:30...since I was going to ladies' lunch, getting a ride at 10:45. I thought I would get a bunch of stuff done before going, but managed to get myself ready in time. Also checked out the "Spanish word of the day." Mujer bonita....pretty woman. (There are always 5-6 new words involved.)
I was feeling "bad" and upset about a recent family interaction that didn't go well, because of a personal decision I made. But life goes on.
There were 13 ladies at the Chinese buffet. Our conversation
was pleasant and the food was good. I reminded a few ladies that I was giving a piano concert on Sunday. My friend Nancy will not be there because that is her Birthday and her family is taking her to dinner. She is so sorry. My only regret was that I couldn't eat more at one setting.
Shortly after returning home about 1:15 I received a phone call. Am I coming to the planned meeting of a senior new friend who is living life in spite with cancer? "We are sitting here waiting for you." Oh No......I completely forgot. I forgot last weekend to call her that I couldn't come Wednesday because when we made arrangements I had forgotten about ladies lunch that day. I felt really awful. I told her I am embarrassed and SO sorry. She was kind and said maybe we will get together someday. (I felt doubly bad since where we had lunch was not far from where she lives. With more thought and planning I could have arranged both.)
After taking a few minutes to regroup I reminded myself I needed to get posters made for my concert. After struggling with
the set up (and a bad word) I came up with 3. Also remembered a granddaughter B-day card that needed to get written out and mailed. It would be a week late, rather than several in the past that have been 2 months late.
So, with the posters in place I drove to the post office to make sure the card would arrive in Wisconsin by the weekend. It being Wednesday a stop at Salvation Army was next. I am looking for a couple props for Sunday's concert. It being an "insecure feeling" day for Gram G I wasn't sure about buying what I found, but it was only a $3.88 donation to SA.
Back home about 4PM it was time to rehearse an hour for the concert. Still unsure about some of the songs.
Come 5:30 it was time to check out the local (Portland) and national news while eating dinner. Lots of scenes of protest demonstrations. I was simply glad not to be involved.
Last social activity for the day was worship team practice at the pastor's house not very far away. (I was glad to take them some cantaloupe and small tangerines since they have children and I always buy more fruit than I can eat and it often goes bad.) I complain that my throat is still irritated and gravelly. And worry some about what it will be like on Sunday.
Home once again. Time for cookies and tea. One last activity of 90 minutes of stretches to keep this body moving. A Nova program about metals is interesting as I stretch away.
So, come 11:30 it is time for bed. I tell the Lord I am sorry and feel regret for the family issue and having forgotten about my new friend. I admit that I feel insecure about Sunday's program. I was glad about the ladies' lunch, about getting the posters up and actually mailing the B-day card. I was grateful for the lovely weather as the day went on. Grateful to live in a republic where people are free to live their lives the way they choose.
"What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. Is there anything of which one can say, 'Look this is something new'? It was here already long ago; it was here before our time."
(Ecclesiastes 1: 9 -10)
With another beautiful afternoon, it was time for an over 2 mile walk.
I was thinking, "What, that's crazy! Not Saturday, I'm not anywhere ready for Sunday's program." But ever so coolly I replied, "Sure". (You gotta accept help when help is offered.)
Friday, Nov 11 Veterans' Day...
Face Book Post....
Happy Veterans Day to all my family who have served our country in the military!
Louie, Deb, Burt, Angie, Al, Chuck, son-in-law Keys, daughter-in-law Jen. Thank you and Jesus bless you!! Mom/Geo
Louie, Deb, Burt, Angie, Al, Chuck, son-in-law Keys, daughter-in-law Jen. Thank you and Jesus bless you!! Mom/Geo
June, 2012 Mount Rushmore
Saturday started out with a misty rain. Good, I thought, Tim won't come today. There is SO much to do.
blowing crud all over my once clean, artistically hand painted sidewalk sitting space.
It actually did not take him very long; he didn't charge much. He blew clean the sidewalk and he sprayed a wasp nest in the inner roof of the garage as well. Thanks, Tim!! (Since then there has been a heavy downpour and the opened up rain gutters drained all the rain away.)
The remaining time on Sat. passed in a blur of more practice, deciding order of the songs, running to Freddy's for last minute supplies and the perfect blouse (on sale) to go with my blue skirt, getting home to type out a program, wondering how I was going to get everything to the club house on Sunday and still have energy to do a good show.....then off to bed.
Sunday....my big program....but that is a post for next time!
You all come back, you hear?
This has been a good Transition week in the life of Grandma G.
"I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone---for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness." (1 Timothy 2:2-4)
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