Happy, Happy B-day, Deb!!
That starts with Gram G buying 4 loaves of good quality white bread, letting them dry out for a day, breaking up the bread, grating a bunch of potatoes, mixing it all together into baseballs and boiling them to eat with roasted pork, and sour gravy. Yum! The Millers devour them...
We have a game we play of guessing how many dumplings Gram made. The closest guess gets a prize. Three people guessed I made 50....in honor of Deb's B-day. Now why didn't I think of that? Nope, I didn't make 50, but B-day girl guessed 37 and that is how many I made. She's a Winner!! of a one dollar bill.
A plate, a glob of sauerkraut, a serving of fresh fruit, a dumpling and a blueberry....
With CARROT CAKE....homemade..
Oops! wrong recipe
That's better....Awesome!
Gram G gets to wear her new dumpling making apron.....

Hubby, Keys, couldn't come. He popped his hip, wrestling with his son Jake, while they were at the beach for the weekend....Oh, My....
Love ya, Deb!! Thanks for coming to be part of our family for these 50 years!! I remember the day you were born. Wonderful!
Now to back up a week....
On Monday, Feb 13, I had a first appointment with a physical therapist. I have had back problems and muscles aches all my life. For the past 5 years I've had pain and limited movement in my right shoulder. It would come and go. I can recall 2 time where I could have injured it. I was getting worried about needing surgery.
Anyway, awhile back the chiropractor said he couldn't do much more for the shoulder pain, said a physical therapist could probably give me help and gave me a referral.
Interesting....seems my heavy brain has pushed my head forward and rotated my shoulder blades. Who would have thought that so much intelligence could do that????
Well, maybe Michelle has a different interpretation. At least she made me happy....
She said as we get closer to 90 and farther away from 20 we need to work harder at keeping our muscles strong. She observes that it is generally the opposite....20 year olds work hard at keeping strong and 90 year olds sit a lot. Hmmmm....never noticed that.
Since I am closer to 90 than 20 I reckon I better start sitting. What? Wrong? I need to work harder at staying strong? She also said that seniors need to spend more time being physical.... Oh, Sweetie, I wish....
She gave me a couple exercises to do at home. Then set me up for the start of follow up sessions.
After getting home it was a great afternoon for a refreshing walk. 1.66 miles, Baby!

Valentine's Day was quiet as I worked on a blog entry. Later I enjoyed watching The Notebook.
Today, Friday, Feb. 17 I had my first actual physical therapy session. I didn't know what would proceed or if it would hurt. A young man named Ryan was my therapist. He had me rest on warm, wet packs across my neck and midback for 10 minutes. Next he massaged the back of my neck and base of my head. Turning my head to the left and working on the right base of my head was the most painful, though he was gentle. He slightly pulled between the shoulder and lower arm. After that he showed me 6 neck flexing exercises to do at home. The last segment was a large cold wet covering over my right shoulder and little electrical currents to stimulate blood flow to the area.
When the hour was through I was pleased to realize my head was still attached, my heart was still in regular rhythm and my right arm didn't light up like a light bulb. I asked about being sore tomorrow. Basically he said, maybe. Guess I am looking at about 10 sessions. I am eager to experience how healing and strength progresses.
I was a bit light headed and unnerved, but the sun was trying to shine, the air warm and I had something on my mind. Time for B-
day party shopping....50th B-day to be specific. My oldest daughter, Debbie, was turning 50 on Monday. Party time!! Since I was close I went on to Party City to make some purchases. Took a long time to decide what to and not to buy.
On the way home I stopped to check out a Safeway store new to me. Friday is a good sale day. Spent a long time there, too,
exploring the store. Was presented with a little something to use more of my time.
Gonna win me a million dollars!
Finally back home at 4:10! Time to sit and drink tea for a bit.
This has been a good 7 "50th B-day" days in the life of Grandma G.
"She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at days to come.....a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."
(Proverbs 31: 25 & 30)
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