Saturday, March 11, was Rose's "Celebration of Life". She was 104 years old.
Here is a picture on her 100th B-day with son, Louie, and our 7 children in Park Falls, WI
Gerry, Bill, Lou, Angie, Burt,
Gram Rose, Debbie, Chuck, Al
Debbie could not attend...the other 6 were there...(My Babies...)
Autumn stood in for Aunt Debbie
Come on, guys and gals, put some thought into this...
Angie, I said Thought.....
"Gerry-Bear" with Gramma Rose.
She dubbed him Gerry Bear when he was crawling; he always crawled backwards and would look behind to see where he was going. "He looks just like a bear cub". "Bear" has stuck to this day.
Rose's youngest son, Joe, and Bear in driveway of the farm...the original barn from early 1900's in the background....
A Plethora of GeoLou Schmidt gathering pictures...
Younger grand kids visiting Papa Lou at home...
(9 of 19....left girl in blue is extended #20)
Full moon overlooking a partially froze Flambeau River
Outside of Burt's and Jen's cabin...
Inside the bunkhouse...life is good...
Extended family bonding...
California little Berklee with
Wauwatosa Charlie's angels
Emilia, Louisa and Olivia
Could be sisters, Cali Amanda and Chuck's wife, Anna...
A Mannequin Challenge....they say...
Meanwhile back in the PNW, Wednesday to Wednesday has happened again for Gram G.
It seems one can "keep hanging in there" for a long time while one's life challenges one. Then comes a day when, though, many challenges remain, a few suddenly resolve themselves or at least pass through to calmer ground.
Today, Wednesday, was one such day. I awoke to another rainy day. (Rain totals for March have already rose beyond "normals" for the entire month of March.) My mind was on getting to the dentist by 9:30 through rain and wind and foggy brain. Fortunately none was overwhelming. My crown, tooth not royalty, went on with minimum numbing and effort. After, I had a pleasant discussion with my dentist. That put me in a happy mood.
So...Gram G paid $73.44? $11.77? $1.05? $24.30?
It was still raining when I got home but that didn't stop me from getting an important letter in the mail. One of those challenges resolving itself.
I also was officially registered in the "Oregon Christian Writers" writing contest! Yeah! It took me a long time last evening to figure out how to register and submit my piece. I had overlooked the important part of submitting my writing during the register process and I didn't know how to go back. Finally figured out something and then this morning received confirmation that all had been received. All 250 words that I had written. That may not sound like much but to me
I heard about the contest last year about this time and decided that this year I would submit something. A year goes by very fast. I already knew what category I would do. A year goes by very fast. I had many ideas written down, but not narrowed down. A year goes by very fast. A good topic popped into my head awhile back and I wrote it down. But it needs to be perfect. A perfect 250 words. Time goes by very fast. Suddenly it is contest time. It needs to be perfect. How does one know when one's writing is perfect? To me, mine will never be perfect so I need to simply send it in before I don't and the deadline has passed. Better to be imperfect and submitted than perfect and not submitted. Just having submitted it is a huge victory for me. Yeah!!
The prize you ask? Well,there isn't one. Winners get to wear a ribbon during the writers' conference if one chooses to go. There are, however, top authors there to notice you and perhaps give a helping hand in getting on with a writing career. Yeah!
Friday, March 10 was a mild, sunny day interrupting the many, many rainy days this year.
Time for first walk to 4th Plaine in 2017. Makes for about a 2 mile walk to enjoy the start of spring.
a totally pink avenue
The blending of clouds and snow on distant mountains; spring water flow in Burnt Bridge Creek
This has been a good 7 "Schmidt gathering" days in the life of Grandma G.
"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Give her the reward she has earned."
(Proverbs 31: 30 & 31)
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