Here and there white blossoms punctuate the scene.
During some of those breaks I needed to get out in my little yard gardens to clean up what winter dumped. The ground is still quite soggy, but now the green has a chance to recover. The mild temps have allowed annoying weeds to thrive. I will be gone for awhile so I am eager to pull them before I leave. I need to do the south side of the house yet...a very long stretch but rain prevented that today.
Last Thursday our Red Hat Mamas group went to lunch at tebo's
That evening we had a gathering at the Miller home to wish Micaela a safe, pleasant 3 week student exchange program in northern France.
Amanda, Debbie, Zach, baby Rosie, Jake, Angie, Keys, Micaela, nephew Zyan.
It is a rare occasion to get them all together for a photo. Unfortunately Gram G didn't do well on the lighting and they all look like they are staring into car headlights.....
She drove us to Richfield to visit her friend's shop and eat at their little trendy restaurant, buckets.
Kahana tried some kombachi while I stayed with the water. We both agreed the kombachi tasted a bit like flat soda. The store owner didn't like the vinegar smell.
Ready to travel with all her worldly possessions!
Thanks, again, Kahana, for your wonderful, kind, fun friendship!
I miss you already!

(Kahana's photos)
Springtime brings out the boy in the man.....son, Gerry...Spartan Race
Tuesday I became aware of a crop of weeds growing on the southside of my house. By the time I was out and about for a few hours I was tired and it was chilly and rainy. I decided I could do chilly, rainy, pully weedy better in the morning.
So I go around to the garage side of the house and.....freeze! So do 2 intruders!
Rabbits! Chubby rabbits having breakfast of my newly growing plants and small scrubs trying to survive.
No, I am not afraid of rabbits. I didn't want to scare them off before I could get my camera. One was rather petrified as it stuck like a statue for several minutes. The other knew better and took off.
Darn little darlings were back for a second helping 30 minutes later....they would look very tasty, dressed on my dinner table.
Anyway, I'm done with pulling weeds! And walk around the driveway to the house door.
Oh Look!! More weeds! More pulling! Now, I'm done! Maybe.
This week at physical therapy they added another 2 exercises to my grueling daily routine. The healthy young therapist tried to add one where I lay with my spine on a round foam shape and stretch out my arms. After a bit of persuasion I convinced him that this Gram G is NOT ready to do that. Now while I am away traveling the goal is to keep up this 60 minute plus routine everyday and be ready to get even more exercises when I return robust, muscular and standing straight with my shoulders flung back.
I found my way to a computer fix it shop, manned by tall, lanky, young smart techy fellows. We discussed replacing my aging battery(the computer's not mine) and possibly a new updated hard drive. We went on to talk about a package deal if I also purchase a refurbished newer smart phone. After all that techy talk I really didn't feel very smart, but more so than when I first started conversing. A return trip later this spring is in order. First I need to talk to my own techy smart sons and get their input.
Still need to file taxes. Pack. Exercise. Ready for spring break "back east".
This has been a good 7 "bring on springtime" days in the life of Grandma G.
"See! The winter has past;the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land. The fig tree forms its early fruit; the blossoming vines spread their fragrance."
(Song of Solomon 2:11-13)
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