Doing the Coastal Highway....North...
Angie earned the title, Chappie, since she was our official chaperone and driver. Most of the time she was "Happy Chappie"; occasionally she was not.
When we started out from Cali on that Saturday morning she was elated and announced, "Let's play the alphabet game". Tyler said nah and from the backseat I replied, No. (I was tired, there weren't many signs around and I just wanted to sit in silence.) She was first alarmed and then started laughing; said she always wanted to announce that and had never played the game; said she was deflated, but then we all laughed and laughed at our replies.
The wind she was a-blown....
Gram G's favorite place of the weekend....
Yah, Baby, that's what I say....
Young folks adventure of the weekend....Dune buggy ride
Heading out to 20 miles of sand dunes....
Looking over exotic rocks
Tyler and Angie gotta try sand boarding...oh, yah...
Harder than they thought....
board wouldn't slide.
There's a fine skill in waxing the board just right...
Very exhausting trying to walk up the sand....
Sunday, our last night on the road....
We surprised a camouflaged bug on our motel siding at the Dublin House Inn...I think it is forever traumatized
Happy Chappie and cousin, Tyler
Heading cross country to Vancouver, WA
There and back again after 1035 miles!
But wait!! There are a few more adventures for Tyler in the PNW.
Heading off alone, back to family in Wisconsin...
We had an epic Gram G/Tyler/and Chappie 1,035 mile Oregon Road Trip!
Wonderful bonding with grandson, Tyler! Gonna miss that boy!!
He waited and anticipated a trip to Crater Lake for the past 6 years. Finally happened!
This has been a good 7 "coastal Hwy 101" days in the life of Grandma G.
"I [The Lord] will certainly bless you [Abraham] and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore." (Genesis 22: 17)
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