Gram G has been busy enjoying a 9 day visit with her two sisters from Indianapolis, Indiana.
5 years ago Kate and Betty helped me move out here on a cross-country road trip from northern Wisconsin through the Canadian Rockies.
(The 3 Sisters mountains in Canada...August 2012)
Welcoming them to the Pacific Northwest!
Their trip was almost cancelled or postponed because of the Gorge wildfire the week before with resulting bad air quality, rain forecast and Gram G's complaint of a bothersome bad tooth.
SO glad they still came! We had lots of fun and mostly nice weather.
Barley soup on the back deck and chat time for our first meal.
Stuffed pepper dinner with Deb's family.
Happy 75th B-day cake for Kate!!
Adventure time on Thursday! We headed north to walk and picnic in Lewisville Park about 20 miles away. As the afternoon hours passed the smell of smoke grew stronger. Fortunately, Kate's senses simply registered the aroma of autumn.
Checking out tree heights and a squirrel that was ready to take on a fight with Kate. We had to hold Kate back as she challenged the little fella...concerned he might just jump and bite her!!
Lewis River running very low....
During the rainy season the middle rock is completely covered by water, creating an impressive single falls.
This has been a good 9 "three sisters together again" days in the life of Grandma G.
"Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to to the bones."
(Proverbs 16:24)
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