After an enjoyable week in San Diego, I have had to endure some miserable days.
I thought I picked up a respiratory virus while travelling, but here in Vancouver several folks are sick.
I don't think I am influential enough to "influ-ence" so many.
I do want to catch up to date on this blog. Some days it is difficult to blog, but that doesn't mean there's not a lot of living happening!
I will give a brief run down and hoping fill the in the rest of the story soon.
(Here is the entry from awhile back)
Today, Tuesday Oct. 17, is the 5 consecutive day of being annoyed with a respiratory virus. Seems I brought an unwelcome, nasty companion home with me from my trip. So far the only positive accomplishment is learning to spell "respiratory".
Actually, today was interesting. Chicken soup is suppose to be a great cure for sickness. However, me lying in bed waiting to be served chicken soup ain't gonna happen. Unless I happen to make the soup and take a bowlful into bed with me. It didn't quite work that way.
I DID make chicken soup. With not getting to the store since
returning home 8 days ago I rummaged through my magic freezer (my grandkids call it Gram's overstuffed freezer) to find boneless chicken breast pieces; frozen carrots, zucchini slices, green onions and pea pods (stashed in there before going to San Diego). Making a broth with the chicken and chicken base and various spices, including "garlic lovers garlic and herbs" and celery salt to make up for no celery, I dumped in the cut up frozen veggies. After simmering for awhile, (the soup, not me) I dropped in teaspoon sized globs of flour dumplings.
Seems to be the day for home cooking, even in Indianapolis. My young adult nephew, Nick, called and then texted me after I didn't respond to his call. (Sorry, respero...respra....restper....respiratory
virus) His Gram Kate wanted him to call for the recipe for stuffed bell peppers. Inwardly I was impressed that Kate wanted a recipe since she really isn't into cooking. We did have peppers while she was here so I figured her appetite led into this venture.
Nick answered all these questions by a few texts and told me they have 3 peppers and Gram Kate went to the store for hamburger.
I figured out portions for 1lb of hamburger and texted it to Nick. At some point I inquired about Kate being ready to mix all this, to which Nick replied that HE is making the peppers. Oh, that sounds more realistic.
Sick Days Fun...
Sat. Oct. 14
Sunday Oct. 15 Morning church service...
Sunday afternoon thru Friday Oct. the house, SICK....lots of coughing, TV watching, sleeping...some Lord of the Rings
Saturday, Oct. 21.... Feeling somewhat better....time to grocery shop, laundry, wash dishes, etc...some coughing and aching
Sunday, Oct. 22.... morning church service,
First some lunch ....
Portland specialty DONUTS.....
We finished out a busy Sunday with pumpkin carving with Angie, Mic, and little Gracie at my house!!
pumpkin seeds to roast!!
Monday, Oct. 23, clean up day from Sunday. Evening at Jake's football game. Beautiful fall weather.
Tuesday, morning Starbucks tea with a lady friend. Home, watching TV the rest of the day.
Wednesday, Oct. 24, day road trip with friend, Jo, to northeastern Oregon. That is for next posting!!
This has been a good 10 "respiratory virus" days in the life of Grandma G.
"Dear Friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well."
(3 John 1:2)
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