This first week of the new year, 2018 has passed in a favorable way. New Year's day itself was quiet, but enjoyable with telephone visits with Wisconsin family. I took a late afternoon 2 mile walk, just as the sun was at the perfect angle to cast a long shadow.....
The first moon of the new year was bright with hope and promise.
Wednesday I enjoyed a few hour Christmas tea time visit here with my friend, Mary, whom I haven't seen for awhile. It was fun to sit and chat in the midst of Christmas decor.
I was also honored with a Face Time call from my sister Kate from Indianapolis and a surprise Facebook message from a lady friend living out of the country. Friday I had a 2 hour lunch with a dear friend. It has been a sociable week!
The tale of the shiny, round, silver thing....While Angie and I were decorating outside before Christmas I found a sturdy, half-round heavy duty silver "thing" laying in the driveway. After examining it for a few minutes, determining I didn't know what it might be from I tossed it into the garbage can...efficiency, you know. Earlier this week my neighbor fellow said to me as I was ready to get into Ted, "You have a lug-nut missing on your front right wheel. That could cause problems and warp the tire or loosen the others and you lose that wheel". Oh, I think to myself, must be what that shiny silver thing was. Hmmmm. So, on Thursday I took Ted to Midas and told them the tire lost a lug-nut. Not good, said the fellow. He told the fellow in the office about the lost lug-nut. Not good he says. I think, not good that they are saying not good. They were the ones who put on the new tires last June. They would rotate the tires and replace the lug-nut for me. Great! Soon someone came to me and said good thing you came in. There is a screw stuck in one tire. You could have had a flat tire soon. Good thing I came in. Shortly Ted was all set to go. The tire fix was complementary:$48 for new windshield wipers. The Happy End....

Gram G's kitchen window beach scene with dancing gnome. He's quite busy on sunny days, quiet on cloudy days and nighttime.
Saturday was busy. I woke up just in time to go to water aerobics. Followed by a hurry home for the installers to finally put in the new dishwasher. I bought it before Thanksgiving and was informed of needed additional plumbing parts. Now that all the holiday dishes have been washed by hand it is finally ready for use.
The early afternoon was very springtime with sun and mild air! The perfect time to take down the Christmas theme in my front yard. As I was out there a neighbor who is also a Navy veteran stated that all I need is added blue lights with the red and white ones surrounding my yard and I'll be all set for Memorial Day! I will have to find some blue lights and decorate for that holiday.
Two o'clock I was off to a fund raising concert at a church just a few blocks from here. I met up with a couple friends I hadn't seen in a bit, though they didn't know I was going to be there. It featured a Celtic and religious theme, along with a local bagpipe band. Fun.
Finally it was to the Millers for tacos, B-day cake, little kids and pictures. And a "little kids duet".
Getting the Millers together in the same place at the same time...priceless!!
Keys, Jake, Zach, Angie, Mic, Debbie,
(blue shirts for an extended family theme..Gram G's project)
Sunday it was time to "undecorate". Seems like Christmas season passed as quickly as the entire year of 2017. I wanted to organize my decorations and lights as I packed items away. In the past I was in a hurry and jammed everything into plastic containers to be sorted out the next Christmas.

After church, I was helped along with a 4 hour movie of King Kong, "cheesy" but entertaining as I worked through the afternoon of packing the decorations. And still I continued through the Lion King. I was surprised that it is old enough to be shown on TV. Actually most of the day was TV time since the evening provided 3 review episodes of Victoria on Masterpiece; the new season starts next Sunday.
I spent some time this week reflecting, thinking and praying for the coming year. I was a little apprehensive concerning a few matters, but God encouraged me that 2018 will be a fabulous year. Yay!
This has been a good 7 "into the future" days in the life of Grandma G.
"'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and pray to me and I will listen to you'." (Jeremiah 29:11-12)