We chose the Red Robe Tea House and Cafe in China Town.
Our server prepared our tea in the traditional tea ceremony style. First our little cups and tea pots were filled with hot water. The tea leaves washed with hot water to wake them up. Then all that hot water poured out while fresh hot water was poured in the pots and over the pots. The leaves were steeped for 45 seconds then strained into a glass carafe and finally poured into our tiny cups. The following pots were to be steeped 15-20 seconds. We also learned (or read) The Tea Drinking Song. 7 cups of tea! My kind of song!
Along with our tea we enjoyed bowls of noodle soup to warm us on a rainy PNW day.
All 14 calendars are on their way to family members!
I had an enjoyable lunch out with daughter Debbie. Last summer I thought we could meet up once a month, but this is the first since then....
Sunday's weather was balmy, close to 60 degrees and no rain....a perfect afternoon for a 2 mile walk...spring flowers in January are still a wonder to me. Almost daffodil time!

This has been a good 14 "blog break" days in the life of Grandma G.
"Sow your seed in the morning, and at evening let not your hands be idle, for you do not know which will succeed, whether this or that, or if both will do equally well." (Ecclesiastes 1:16)
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