We are down to a week before Christmas and all through my house messes are messing me up! Life is still a conglomeration of sorting out bills, figuring how to earn an income, getting back to exercise to ward off a slouching back and stiff joints, a bit of loneliness, a few headaches, attempting a new teaching website, daily chores and "Christmas is coming", with all the traditions and activities.
It is good to have traditions to keep focused and active through these days of cloudy skies and early nightfall.
On Dec 1st I dug out my stack of Christmas CD's, and started recording the plethora of good and bad Christmas movies.
Grandson Jake came over Monday, Dec. 3, to help haul my tree and decorations from the garage into my living room, where they sat for a week. My brain would frequently ask me, "Why is there a tree standing in my living room?"
At some point during these days I designed updated business cards for piano lessons, a poster for advertising a Christmas special and cards for a possible new endeavor.... ordered them 1/2 price during a cyber week sale.
That Wed I received a surprise call from the nearby music academy to ask me if I was available to substitute teach a few lessons. Sure!! It felt good to be doing something familiar and something I am equipped to do!
The week was cold; our church opens a warming shelter for those nights. A lady friend and I volunteered to help from 5:30 thru 11PM. It was a rewarding time of simply "hanging out" with less fortunate folks. It was actually fun as a group of us played a long game of "Sorry". I was sorry I lost after almost winning.
The next day was our annual Red Hats Christmas lunch at the nearby teaching school. The Terrific Trio got together for a photo. Nancy, Gram G, Jo.
Saturday was cloudy, though mild....a great day to get outside and decorate my front yard. It seemed like a good idea last year....undo the lights all twisted together and up they go this year. No. Had to untangle them all just to find out half of each color didn't work.
Friend Kahana texted to see if we wanted to get together soon. After some thought I asked if she would like to come over and help me decorate the tree standing in my living room. We set a time for Monday. Ahhh....NOW that tree is a Christmas tree full of lights and ambiance! She and her hubby, Saul, gave me news for mid-June. Something exciting to think about and look forward to!
Tuesday, the 11th, came in blustery and rainy. I had an eye exam scheduled for mid afternoon. But good old fashioned roast beef with veggies was also on my mind. So that went in the oven in the morning. By late afternoon I was driving home through rain and glaring lights with thoughts of roast beasty dancing in my head. Yum! And good news of no damage to my eyes from the fall on my forehead 3 months back. Yeah!
An updated Iphone has been on my mind for several months. The grandkids are appalled at my Iphone 4 and lately it feels outdated to me also. But what a jungle of technology is out there. I think I have settled on a plan and am in the muddle (yes, muddle) of getting all things set up....including my mental state.
Friday accomplished an important tradition that makes Christmas special to ME...writing out cards and a small gift to my 20 grandkids and 1 great granddaughter! I think they will actually get their greeting before Christmas this year!
Saturday we had our church's annual seniors Christmas brunch, carols and gift exchange. "What did she get and do I want to steal it if I get a chance?"
You know you are part of a church fellowship when you are assigned to the cake cutting team....to celebrate Jesus' Birthday....
Sunday was an enjoyable, though long, day of early wake-up, cake cutting, church service, service at the homeless outreach, short visit to new neighbor friends, then home to a 4 hour "long winter's nap". Oh, My! Good for a late night of Miracle on 34th Street while diddling on the computer until 1:45AM. Good night....
This has been a good 14 pre-Christmas days in the life of Grandma G.
"But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for out of you will come a ruler who will be the shepherd of my people Israel." (Matthew 2: 6)
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