Spring is now here and with it are the beautiful colors of the PNW.
Looking for a house.
Pretty bird said, "I like it",
But Mrs said, "That's grouse."
A Study in perspective....
I have heard it said, "bloom where you are planted". Here is a study of "bloom even in harsh environments" . These lovely blossoms don't care where they spring from or how few they are or how they are overshadowed by the crowd. They just want to express their joy in living. We should do the same.....
Springtime in the PNW....
(In Wisconsin they return in the spring.)
The Easter Bunny missing his Easter clothing....one wooden rabbit ....
Harvesting the crop of springtime weeds...second bucket
April 1 was a lovely day to spend over 2 hours pulling weeds from my yard!
(photo...KATU news PDX)
I have a new project....figuring out and finding foods/supplements to bring down blood pressure without prescription drugs. It is quite time consuming. I went to the grocery store this afternoon into evening to study and purchase some of these items. After much browsing and studying labels I bought a few. The most interesting is beet juice. Fortunately, I like beets. (Several years ago I actually made jelly from beet juice and raspberry kool-aid. The beets we grew in our garden. I scrubbed them really good and then boiled them for eating. The water/juice was used for the jelly. The kids liked it on their peanut butter sandwiches made with homemade bread.)
While shopping I decided to buy a frozen pizza. I had a $1 coupon for any frozen item. I hadn't bought a frozen pizza for several years. There were maybe 8-10 to choose from then. Now, pizza has its own aisle in the frozen food section. There were about 75 different brands, styles, flavors, crust thickness. I wanted a simple sausage, thin crust pizza. There was not a single one there, even with thick crust. After about 30 minutes and wondering why I was pursuing such a search I settled on a thin crust tomato, basil and 4 cheese one. I don't think I will again venture into the frozen pizza jungle for a very long time. The End.....
This has been a good 28 "colors of spring" days in the life of Grandma G.
"See! The winter has past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land."
(Song of Solomon 2:11-12)
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