We have had mostly sunny days with a few rainy ones. I've gotten out for blue-skied, mild temperature 2 mile walks. I invite you to a peaceful, quiet showing of our brilliant autumn glory here in the PNW! Feel free to play your favorite soothing music as you wander!

While living in northern Wisconsin, for a span of 2 years I had several dreams where I saw these patterns and blue sky. I could never figure what they meant. An air war perhaps? (only 1-2 planes would fly over per day.) Now that I see them here often I have decided it is confirmation I am suppose to be here!
Daughter Debbie is working as a nurse supervisor for a senior facility near me. She is close enough to come for lunch occasionally.
February ladies, Deb, Gram G, Micaela.
I've put in a lot of time programming a digital album of early summer adventures with grandsons Eddy and Logan. I make souvenir albums for trips with grandkids. I so enjoy reliving the fun times with them and our family. It soothes some otherwise lonely times.
Also with getting ordered by a certain date I got a really good deal on them...gotta include one for me. I will be able to hand deliver them soon. But you have to come back to find out why.....
Here is one lucky plant....
I wanted something for fall decorations but bargain priced. I found this lady at a local store. It had a fair amount of blooms. Our temperatures are getting cold so I bring her in at night and she gets to enjoy endless light on my stove under the night light. Gonna see how long I can coax her to bloom...
What better way to keep the cold away from me than good, ol' pot roast, potatoes, carrots and cabbage smothered in home made gravy...oh, and a dab or two of butter....YUM! Not to brag, but I do enjoy my own cooking.....come for dinner or lunch anytime. Not breakfast...

ALMOST Wisconsin cloud formation seen in Wisconsin...

Perspective of people to the red woods (sequoias) of northern California.....
Happy Harvest
Curly the camel
Miss Bessie!!
Miss Bessie learning a new skill....
Hope the balloon doesn't pop....
This has been a good 21 autumn glory days in the life of Grandma G.
"As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease." (Genesis 8:22)
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