Her stocking wasn't hung, though most of Christmas was done,
Gram G's holiday song hadn't yet been sung.
So with paper and gifts scattered on the floor, and
on TV, 4 little hobbits for Gram to adore,
she hurried to work to get things all set, for,
I am working on updating my blog. I plan to morph the title to
Since I am not blogging daily,
a weekly schedule might work better:
a weekly schedule might work better:
Be more consistent
Be the right amount of pictures and info
Be phone friendly
Be full of surprises...almost
Because 2020 is a cool sounding year
Be..Be...Because I love ya!
Here's the rest of the story Holiday Style:
T'was the 27th of December when all of GeoGram's house,
Was such a mess to scare even a mouse!

Gram G's holiday song hadn't yet been sung.
So with paper and gifts scattered on the floor, and
on TV, 4 little hobbits for Gram to adore,
she hurried to work to get things all set, for,
The 28th of December would be a day not to forget!
Family was counting on her Christmas roast beasty
and all the rest of the holiday feasty!
All the next day she worked without stopping, even did last minute shopping.
So much to do even late in the day, so many things to quickly get done,
and all the rest of the holiday feasty!
All the next day she worked without stopping, even did last minute shopping.
So much to do even late in the day, so many things to quickly get done,
For at Gram G's house Christmas had finally come!
The Christmas feasty....
The Miller family....
Rosie, Zach, Keys, Micaela, Debbie, Angie, Jake, Gracie dog
New Year's Eve was a BINGO BLAST!
Starting the New Year off with a $109 win on blackout bingo!!
And a load of miscellaneous stuff
my "adopted"
And a Christmas brunch with my friend, Megan, who is home for awhile from Papua New Guinea.

January 2020 has brought about some permanent changes....
Al moved to Green Bay, Wisconsin to be near his kids...after trying unsuccessfully for several years. Life in Park Falls has come to a conclusion for him.....

And some long term changes....

Logan and Tyler saying goodbye to their life long home in Wausau, WI, heading to a 4 year adventure on the east coast.
January does peculiar things to Gram G.
Having missed cooking a Thanksgiving feast for many, she roasted a bird for one. She will indeed have many feasts for one the next several weeks....
Gram G gets bogged down in January. (Nothing to do with cranberries.) I don't "feel" like doing much of anything. Kind of like trudging through jello, melted marshmellows, molasses. But I know that new and exciting adventures will continue throughout 2020. So you all keep coming back to find out what, and explore the new 2020 Geogram Weekly!
This has been a good 4 geogram weeks in the life of Grandma G.
" 'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.' " (Jeremiah 29:11)
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