February in the PNW
Some times you just gotta....
This has been a boring, but interesting week for Geo.
I'm still dealing with what seems to be an infected tooth. The dentist prescribed one more week of antibiotics. Sometimes I feel neutral, sometimes a bit weird on them. A few days from now should conclude something.
In the meantime I find me bored with myself. There are a lot of messy clean ups to do in the house, but there is also a general aura of lingering disinterest. It actually is perfect timing to dig in and get stuff done, but....I did manage to load a large waste basket with paperwork going back 7 years. It's a start. There are still boxes of stuff stashed away since my move out here.
Fortunately, the BBCAmerica is running the
Star Trek Deep Space Nine series. I didn't get to watch them 20 some years ago, so now,thanks to DVR, I can binge watch them. And that I have done...72 episodes in the past couple weeks, according to the list.
Monday and Tuesday I expect a
new set of stories will record. They are quite intriging and clever though the conclusions are a bit simplistic and abrupt. Fun to watch something new. Sometime you just gotta....
("John, Dere, will you tract or follow that light?")
I do have a new toy; an electronic device to be precise.... one that I have needed for a long time. A new computer!
It's a "new generation" one, compact and light weight. My dear, faithful 9 year old Toshiba has grown into a dinosaur which needs to kept plugged in.
A friend helped me decide on which one to purchase. I've done a little downloading on my own. He generously came over today, Tuesday, to instruct me on some confusing programs. I feel like I am a part of this electronic world!! This new personal device is a lot of fun. Hope it helps me organize my cyberworld!

This has been a good GeoGram week in the life of Grandma G.
"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." (Romans 12:12)
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