This week (Thursday, May 14) started out a bit unsettling. I've been watching too much news, real and false and reading too many virus related articles, real and false. I felt a bit like the world was caving in on me. And what will the future bring? I called a friend and after chatting for almost an hour I felt better.
Question: What have you been doing lately?
My response: Virtually everything.
Thursday was also the 54th anniversary of my
wedding to Lou. That did not contribute to the uncertainty. Though we divorced at 44 years I still relish the family we raised.

My favorite picture of our young family....
Family in Sept. 2019 with Lou's urn.

back yard while conversing about many things.


Sunday, I was up before 9 AM and the cloud show was worth the getting up!

The most graceful cloud formations I have ever seen! I can see the angels' wings as they are swiftly gliding through the sky!

I sat on the back deck with my morning tea and soaked in the beauty of God's creation!
Welcome to my back deck outdoor living space!

Stop in and have a sit with me sometime!

My little finch community likes to sit in the tree tops. The fellows sing heartily, hoping for a sweetie! Maybe there will be another new family yet this spring.....

Mt. St. Helen's eruption.
(internet picture)
I still find it intriguing to commonly find rocks and stones full of volcanic "pits", little holes.
We've been having a lot of rain the past several weeks. But also "sun breaks". Tuesday evening we had a lovely sunset break!

Wednesday morning I went to pick up a couple tortilla chips I dropped on the kitchen floor last evening and neglected to clean up. Under the smaller one was a black heap of crawling creatures. They for sure were not practicing social distancing!!

This has been a good GeoGram week in the life of Gram G.
"At that time people will see the Son of Man [Jesus] coming in clouds with great power and glory." (Mark 13:26)
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