Pelicans flying under the February sun in San Diego...(Gram G photo)
How about virtual high school graduations?

I was going to be in Carlsbad, CA to celebrate with grandson, Jude for his....

I was going to celebrate in Vancouver for Jake's...

How about a virtual first B-day party for my "adopted" granddaughter, Pomai

How about me giving Ted a much needed home bath? A virtual nightmare...I'd like to say it really wasn't that gross, but it was....part rain, part pollen, part neglect. Now he's clean and white, except for his top. Grandson Jake needs to reach that high to clean it off.
How about the rain gutters getting power washed after a mere 8 years? And virtually the whole house exterior.... Thanks, Jake! You can't go off to Westminster college in Utah next year, cause who will take care of my house needs?
And celebrating dumpling time and Jake's graduation?
Dad/daughter first grandchild and first great grandchild breaking dumpling bread for the first time....

Jake's graduation brownie; with Gram G;
with Papa Frank and Gram Carole
A couple couples celebrating end of lock down.....and a Birthday...
Gram celebrating cleaning the studio, getting ready to welcome back students....
And making final plans for a granddaughter/granddaughter/Gram G great adventure in a few weeks!! Gonna be so nice to find out the rest of the country is still out there!
Sunday marked the saddest day of the year for me...the summer Solstice. After enjoying the daylight lengthening it will now start shortening until the end of December....DARN....
From my son Gerry, Oceanside, CA....
I’ve named him Steve but he doesn’t answer when I call him. He shows up around my yard and does the best he can as a lizard. But he’s already had a rough life as you can see. No right hind foot, lost his tail and a gimpy left hind foot. But he sure enjoys his “me” time in the sun. It’s been a rough year for all us, Steve. Hang in there!
This has been a good 2 GeoGram weeks in the life of Grandma G.
"What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. Is there anything of which one can say, 'Look! This is something new'? It was here already, long ago; it was here before our time."
Ecclesiastes 1:9-10
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