We celebrated Gram G's Christmas here on Saturday. When I saw my table full of bread drying out I knew something epic was about to happen!
King Jake was coming for Christmas dumplings!!He welcomed all his royal subjects to dine with him!
I got to meet and hold
great granddaughter # 2
Baby Autumn Rose Miller!
With Daddy Zach and
Mom Victoria!

Happily the Millers are all well again! We have passed the Winter Solstice so Gram G is happy again and trusting the Lord for a blessed 2021!
Reflecting back on this year (which is the traditional thing to do) I am grateful for the Lord's goodness to me.
It was a year of uncertainty at least from early March on. I caved in on some personal goals, such as progressing in piano performance, song composing and devotional writing. Yet many adventures came to be.
Early March visit from California Schmidts to a Washington mountain cabin family weekend...on Monday the virus was disclosed and travel concerns in place...
A two day get away to Rockaway Beach with granddaughter, Angie
First venture out in July after virus threat.
Granddaughter, Gemma, trip to Wisconsin in August.
Indianapolis trip in October to visit my family. (Originally scheduled for June)
A gift Thanksgiving trip to Alexandria, VA to visit son Burt and family!
As I think back on the start of 2020 there were great hopes that it would be the perfect year, like perfect eyesight. Something about certain number combinations evoke the mysterious, the mystical, the prophetic in us. To me "2020" is like 50/ can go either way. It could mean "balance", "two sides of a coin", yin and yang, the glass half full or half empty.
This past year was certainly full of concern and caution for me. I didn't have the strength to continue "full force" with life. But I resolved that with God's care I would "live" and not be bound by fear. There were challenges yet also incredible blessings even beyond the trips. For me 2020 was not a perfect year, but it was a good year!
This has been a good 2 GeoGram weeks in the life of Gramma G.
"But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit." (Jeremiah 17:8)
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