...up and down, in and out, hot and cold, sad and glad, day and night, yes and no, maybe so, is how life goes....these past days have been just that!
The month of March can't make up its mind. One moment warm and sunny, suddenly cold and windy, or rain and gloomy, even rain and refreshing. It can't decide to be winter or spring.
(Devin heard it from the horse's mouth!)
Wednesday, March 17, marked the 14th day post San Diego vacation. I don't officially quarantine but I am a bit cautious for those days.
I didn't go anywhere out of the park until 5 days after I returned home. On Monday I needed to get fresh groceries for special quests coming on Tuesday and went to start Ted. He was completely unresponsive.
It was the second time I called for roadside assistance for him. Once again they hauled him off to the vehicle hospital.
That night while I slept, or tried to, I kept hearing something scurrying around on the roof or the crawlspace under my room or maybe even in a furnace vent. I awoke 3-4 times at 2 hour intervals to hear the phantom struggle persisting. When daylight came I couldn't see any evidence of what may have gone on. The next night was quiet.
Tuesday morning the car dealership said they got the battery charged and did a yearly (year and a half) maintenance, informing me of $1,200 of repairs that needed to be done. I took him back in the following Tuesday morning until Friday afternoon for mainly a new timing belt. With a few other repairs the grand bill was $1,445.47. I was wondering what to do with that $1,400 stimulus deposit.
That afternoon great grandchild #2 came to visit for a bit. She brought her mom and dad along.

_____________________After I am home for awhile the "home alone doldrums" set in. Some days its a struggle to get motivated and then to stay motivated. For several days I've had a hard time staying focused.
I've discovered the fun and foibles of online shopping. SO easy to order things and forget to consider the total cost. But I'm excited about a redo on my "office", starting with new flooring. That means "out with the old and in with the new" décor. Which is appropriate for starting off this new quarter of my life. Pictures to come soon.
I've also experienced the wonder of binging one's favorite TV shows without the bother of commercials. Such a smart TV. How quickly time passes without even doing anything!
Who else "cleans" a room by simply moving clutter from one room to another until that "another" needs to be cleaned and the clutter finds its way to another room? My goal someday is to be free of clutter and no need to travel from room to room.
Remember the quiet night after all the scurrying that I wrote about? Well... now I keep getting unpleasant whiffs of aroma from under the flooring in my room and laundry room. Hmmm... At least it is tolerable so far. Years ago when we were living in an old house in Park Falls there must have been a critter that deceased in the outer wall. It was quite putrid for several days. Just saying.
March 17, St. Patty's Day, I was graced with a new honorary grandson...
Nainoa, son of Kahana and Saul Chacon.
Big sister, Pomai
I got to visit him at nine days old. I think he looked at me and smiled....really.
_______________________________________________________What does one do when there is a delivery on your porch and one isn't strong enough to carry it in?One opens the box and carries in the components that need to be assembled...piece by piece
Last Thursday I started assembly on a new desk. The first step went fine. On the second I discovered the screws for the next connections were not the proper size. A call to the company did not go through. Hmmm....next approach is a trip to the home store to see if I can get the needed size screws.
Update....new screws don't fit. To be continued...
A little bit of springtime...
A Palm Sunday full moon...
So now March is over and April makes her appearance! I am looking forward to April showers!! (Not) And longer daylight, warm breezes, springtime cleanup outside, cleanup inside to prepare for summer visitors, 2 mile walks, 3 upcoming trips, repair work on both decks and a new roof!
I may be slowing down, focusing less, not keeping up, but life and the world is still twirling and I am still a part of it!
Keep checking in to see what is happening.
This has been a good 10 GeoGram days in the life of Gram G.
"I [Jesus] have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)
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