Geo AKA Mom
As part of my 75th B-day year celebration I wanted to spend a few days with my daughters. The three of us have never had a weekend away together.
Angie traveled out from Wisconsin for the week, Sept. 15-21.
On Friday the 17th we drove out to Cannon Beach on the Oregon Coast in the midst of the first major storm of the fall season.
View from our cottage during a "sun break".
Debbie and Angie played their first (and maybe last) game of Labyrinth...I won!!
We mixed and created a memory stepping stone...
it hardened so quickly the decorations wouldn't stick. I still need to glue on the ones that have fallen off.
Black pebbles and little dabs of beach sand!!
We (mostly Deb and Angie) finished a 500 piece puzzle of sea creatures!
I cooked and we ate "spojun", a childhood favorite...
(simmered ham and sauerkraut with baking powder dumplings)
There were opportunities between rain to take walks on the beach and check out Haystack Rock at low tide

Late Saturday afternoon we walked the other direction...
Found THIS on the beach!!??😲
Angie was shocked and astonished!!
She had texted this just a few days before coming out!
( the Pacific Northwest)
Angie found a FOOT on the beach!!
Where there's one foot there is often another!
Schmidt bloodline ladies...
Great grandma Geo, Debbie and great Aunt Angie
Grandma Debbie, Auntie Micaela/ Auntie Angie
Sister Goodbyes...
Debbie had to fly out for work the next day.
Angie visit extras
Meeting great niece, Autumn
With Dad, Zach, at Waterfront Park
Full moon over Vancouver
Goodbye, and ride to airport with Micaela and Angie
Ya come again real soon, ya hear!
I am so happy to have enjoyed a few days together with just my daughters! Debbie lives here in Vancouver, but Angie has not been here the past 4 years. We had a great time simply hanging out, not worrying about everyday concerns. It was fun to observe their sister interaction, independent of mom. I am grateful to see how they have grown into capable, loving women. I am thankful God has blessed me with them. I love you and am proud of you, Debbie and Angie!! Jesus bless you!
This has been a good 2 GeoGram weeks in the life of Grandma G.
"Nowhere in all the land were there found women as beautiful as Job's daughters, and their father granted them an inheritance along with their brothers." (Job 42:15)
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