Our Family enjoys visiting Cannon Beach on the Oregon coast with Haystack Rock.
A couple years ago Debbie, Angie and I spent a ladies' weekend there.
Low Tide
High Tide
Not Your Everyday News...

The thing of Legends!!
(Facebook photo)
What does one do when it is too hot to be outside, there are no immediate airplane trips to plan for, social dinners are completed, no one coming to visit and one is on antibiotic for an infected tooth?
Working on Maui album! Oops, suppose to be a surprise...
Well, Indy folks will be surprised when they actually get it!!!
Fun to relive all the Maui adventures!
How to use lots of eggs and misc. food stuff that need using...
Egg bake for One!!
I was going to make a half recipe but decided to go for the dozen eggs. With all the fussing I'm glad I did. Refrigerated half...4-6 servings...and froze the other half in single servings
(It froze well and stayed juicy)
I have enjoyed several fancy brunches on the back deck of my Vancouver summer vacation home!
The past few weeks I've worked with a 92 year old lady to format a musical skit she made up....all the info residing in her head. It has been a challenging, fun project. She has been eager to get it all on paper so she can do what she wants with it. We got it finished, not totally professional, but enough to make her happy. Over the winter months we worked out a more complicated song she composed and had me figure out how to put it to the rhythm she heard in her head. Double challenging! This work has actually be quite rewarding.
Saw these at a local store. I remember how much fun it was for the young'uns to play in and for me to watch!
Did Gram G finally make it to the summer spa??
Root canal time. Healing has been slower than I hoped. Probably need another procedure.
Sure cure for whatever ails you...homemade rotisserie chicken dumpling soup! Very tasty!
Beware!! Those unseen Pokémon critters are still randomly around!!
August 1st featured the first of two super moons for the month.
Around 11PM I sat out on the front porch for a few minutes, gazing at the rising moon. The temperature was mild, a gentile breeze rocked the flowers in the hanging basket, a cricket serenaded nearby, no mosquitos or skinny rabbits in the yard. The echo of the Interstate mimicked the ocean waves. A perfect late evening, only missing a lake to reflect the golden moon! And perhaps a sweetie to share it with!
I am astounded that August is already here! They say time goes faster as we get older, but I don't remember getting older. Maybe that is not good! It has been good, though, to have a slower, relaxed pace this summer. I'm starting to appreciate not being stressed because of "hurry". I guess it's a necessity and perk of being a senior.
This has been a good 3 Geogram weeks in the life of Gram G.
"Yours is the day, yours also the night; you have established the heavenly lights and the sun. You have fixed all the boundaries of the earth; you have made summer and winter." (Psalm 74:16-17)
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