"Hey, Dude, you a Thanksgiving turkey or a Christmas turkey?"
I had a good, busy day. After water aerobics I spent the morning cleaning myself up and then figuring out how the rest of the day would progress. I packed up several returns to Fred Meyers, wrote out a shopping list and then headed out to be out and about. First stop was the Christmas bazaar at the church I am attending. It was my first peek into church, social life here in VC and PNW Christmas bazaars in general. It is SO easy to spend money at bazaars with all the home made sweets and soaps and note cards and, and, and. I guess that is why there are bazaars. Next year I might try to sale my wares at bazaars.
Trees in my neighborhood
I spent a few hours at a couple stores procuring more items for the house and getting ready for Thanksgiving and family coming.
I had a new experience at the post office. It was the first time using an automated mailing machine. At least 3 times a message came on asking, "Do you need more time? Yes or No." I kept pressing yes. I hope I did it right and that granddaughter Autumn receives her package.
Deb and family have temporarily adopted a small dog. They are trying him out for a couple weeks to see how things go. Right now Deb said that Bentley wants only her. I think I will go over tomorrow and check him out. I keep finding myself repeating, "I don't want a dog. I don't want a dog." I hope that is not a premonition of some sort.
This evening at home I did some laundry and washed the dishes. That might not sound impressive, but you must understand the urge to sit in front of the TV all evening.
This has been a good, busy "out and about" Saturday in the life of Grandma G.
"Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; gives thanks to him and praise his name." (Psalm 100: 4)
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