This day was actually productive---homemade chicken soup, dishes washed, laundry done, booking airline tickets for Lou to come visit over Thanksgiving. All that had the sense of familiarity to me. I felt "at home". That is a good thing, seeing that this IS home now.
There was even more sunshine in my life today. Forty four years ago my oldest son, Gerry, made his entrance into this world. Happy 44th B-day, Gerry!! The thing about Gerry is that he is never in a hurry. I noticed this trend at his birth--he was a 10 month gestation baby. And then he arrived only after induced labor. He was all wrinkly like a tiny grandpa-- an old, tiny grandpa.
I was surprised a couple days ago to find out he is coming to Vancouver for the weekend. He has a work meeting in the Portland area on Monday and is coming early to hangout with us! Hurray!
I hope you had a swell Halloween!
(Sand art by Jude, Gerry's son)
People are big on Lewis and Clark out here. Must be something about the Columbia River and Pacific Ocean.
Old moss covered WW ll bunker.
1. Grandma G's private space capsule to Mars?
2. Largest blown glass vase in the world?
3. The original warning light installed in Cape Disappointment lighthouse?
4. A petrified Alien?
If you look really close at the dark area in the back of the right picture you will see one of the jetties that have narrowed the mouth of the Columbia River from 6 miles across to 2 miles.
We couldn't see out to sea, but heard the loud, deep blasts of a ship's fog horn.
This has been a good Gerry's B-day in the life of Grandma G.
"Others went out on the sea in ships; they were merchants on the mighty waters. They saw the works of the Lord, his wonderful deeds in the deep." (Psalm 107: 23 &24)
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