We went to Billygan's Roadhouse where you get to eat peanuts and throw the shells on the floor---or at each other---or throw the whole peanut wherever one wants to. This is thrilling to older ladies who have always had to teach manners to their children.
Ladies out to Lunch....
Today was also granddaughter, Micaela's 14th B-day. Micaela was born in Minneapolis but traveled out here in the spring when she was 3 month old to become a PNW mountain girl.
Grandma G gave her a nifty Justin Bieber toothbrush---along with a few other things.
I went for a 30 minute walk this afternoon. SPRING was popping out all over.
This has been a good "ladies out to lunch" day in the life of Grandma G.
"The Lord is faithful to all his promises and loving toward all he has made." (Psalms 145:13)
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