Today was a rainy, gloomy day----especially after I found out my money settlement is delayed at least another month. Oh, lonesome m....e.....with no money. SO....what would any frustrated, lonesome lady with no money do in this situation. It's off to the nearest MALL, Sweetie.
AND the nearest mall is 8 minutes from my house. Compare that with a 2 hour drive in any direction to the nearest mall from Park Falls, WI.

No money, hey? Well there are credit cards. Hey? I needed to return some items and shop for some clothing gifts for my grandkids in San Diego. I want to buy a pair of good quality leather boots on sale. Couldn't find what I wanted. Stopped at the food court for Asian food. Smeared various lotion fragrances all over my hands and arms--that way no decent wild animal would come near me. Glanced at all the teenage,"skinny clothes" stores and sighed for years gone by. Quickly walked through the more expensive department stores. Checked out the miscellaneous variety stores. And bought the one item I purposely went there for.
AHHH! The wonders of Mall Therapy. Combine that with driving home in the dark in heavy traffic. I was happy and content to arrive back home.
I am still practicing for the song I am singing at church on Sunday. It takes longer to have everything presentable the older one matures. Oh, ya.
This has been a good "rainy, gloomy" day in the life of Grandma G.
"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." (Romans 12:12)
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