After the class we met with my foster sister, Susie, for a late lunch at Olive Garden. I hadn't visted with her since her dad's passing a year ago.
Georgia, Susie, Kate
Then it was on to a short visit with my niece, Angie, and a stop to see another niece's, Vicki, new (old) house. Finally it was back to Kate's home for an early to bed night. Good night. __________________________________________________________
Tuesday it was back to the photography class to learn a little about Picasa 3 for editing pictures. I was glad to know more about the program.
No trip to Indy is complete without dinner at......
Cheeseburger in Paradise!
Ribs and Sweet Potato Chips.....
Dessert!! Chocolate Nachos!!
Great Auntie Georgie
and Great niece, Mary
Ladies' night out.....
This has been a wonderful week of bonding with my family-----visiting with 31 folks, eating lots of good food, enjoying blue skies and crispy temperatures, learning photos tips, taking pictures,
relaxing, watching 2 movies, loving and being loved.
This has been a good last 2 Indianapolis visiting days in the life of Grandma G.
"Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God because God is love."
( 1 John 4:7 & 8)
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