Friday, I don't remember what went on, but I did have a trip to the bank. Found out....
What shovels are used for in the PNW.....
fallen blossom petals
I do remember spending a few hours trying to sort out and organize a ton of paper work.
The weather was warm and sunny so I pulled several weeds from my gravel "weed proof" yard. What you see is only the medium ones. Thousands of tiny ones are hiding among the rocks. This is about the 1/5 of the area to tend to.
At some time I need to landscape and decide what gorgeous flowers, shrubs and trees to plant. I want to put in grass on the other back side of the house and thus have a fun little back yard. Probably next year.
The evening was a big event for me. My first Hawaiian BBQ and live music show for a Veterans' fund raiser. I had 2 tickets so invited a new lady friend from Creekside--invited her at noon that day. She was glad to go.
Yummy marinated, charcoaled pork and chicken with lo main noodles. Peach pie.I was given a white rose from a young male singer, singing, "Teenager in Love".
Hawaiian pop songs
Rock'en country/bluegrass music from local talent
Sunday I attended a blessed church service. Afterwards, had lunch with some new friends and then needed to get gas. After an initial stop with frustrated efforts to get my credit card to work I went on to a different one.
At home I decided on a leisure walk since the weather was warm and sunny. Great walk. On the way home I slowed a bit to walk with a lady using a walker. She knew my name. I was too embarrassed to ask hers. The leisurely atmosphere ended when I discovered I locked my house key inside the house. Oops. What to do? I remembered the caretakers of the park. Maybe there would be key in the office. Walking to their house the lady welcomed me in while stating, "You are the third person this week who locked themselves out of their house. There were 2 earlier this week and I knew someone else would. These things happen in 3's." (SO.... it was HER fault I locked myself out.) Fortunately there was a set of keys in the office. (I did get a ride on their little mule they drive around in.)
I called Deb to let her know I was leaving to drive to her house. She asked me to pick up grandson, Zach. He gave me directions to his house--a route a few miles out of the way and then backtracking. All part of learning directions.
SO... later it was time to leave Deb's. Zach wanted a ride to meet a friend in a neighborhood 5-10 miles north---in the dark. "Grandma, I'll give you directions to get home." Sure. Three easy turns ended up with me another 10 miles in the wrong direction--in the dark. His friend did get on the phone with me and guided me back 10-15 miles to a street I was familiar with.
A rather frustrating day, but ended well enough.
"tea light" candle holder from Costa Rica.
Monday dawned with a surprise cold wind. (Park Falls, WI showed warmer temperatures than us.) Spent more time figuring out paperwork. Had 2 music lessons. Enjoyable. Worked on laundry during the day and drove over to Deb's to dry it. Still broken dryer. We'll make one try later this week to fix it and decide from there.
FINALLY, caught up on blogging!
This has been 4 good "busy" PNW days in the life of Grandma G.
"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." (John 10:10)
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