We worked a little on setting up the back deck to have "atmosphere"---a ceramic, mosaic bistro table with red chairs, plants and a duck fountain. I will post pictures when it is all in order later in the week.
The greatest task he helped me with was formally setting up my teaching studio. There were still several boxes sitting around and everything generally messy. Where did it all go? In the bathroom, of course. My studio is actually intended to be a master bedroom with a very large bathroom. All that space is great for storage for the time being.
Wall hanging liked by Zach. It features famous landmarks of Portland. He has been to most of these locations. He, also, has one of these hanging in his bedroom. I didn't know that when I selected this particular hanging for my studio. I have a basic "black and white" color scheme.
So, Monday, I bounced (sort of) out of bed by 9AM. Drove over to pick up Zach. We worked from 10:30 to 3:30. Drove him the 15 minute ride home. Had my lesson at 4:30. Collapsed onto the couch around 5:30. I think I did go for a 30 minute walk.
Monday morning was following a "work spurt" on Sunday late afternoon and evening (till midnight) involving laundry, cleaning up the kitchen, dishes, stretching exercises, taking out the garbage. And that was following a morning at church service and 2 hours exploring grocery selections at one of the local stores. (I am still amazed and uneducated with all the ethnics food items that are available here. Northern Wisconsin was mostly cheese, potatoes, hardy veggies, meats and desserts. Maybe not that sparse, but not this abundant and varied.)
Today, after water aerobics, I was totally content to stay inside my little air conditioned home. The thermometer soared into the low 90's this afternoon. Every so often I would stand on the porch just to experience the heat and then slide back into the coolness inside. Tomorrow is suppose to be even hotter. The interesting weather feature here is that the heat doesn't set in until the afternoon. Usually the mornings are cool and cloudy, which "burns off" as the hours past. Late afternoon is the hottest time of the day. This was a great day to catch up on sorting out a bunch of paperwork and watching a little TV.
This has been a good 3 "breakthrough" days in the life of Grandma G.
"Sow your seed in the morning, and at evening let not your hands be idle, for you do not know which will succeed, whether this or that, or if both will do equally well." ( Ecclesiastes 11:6)
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